By the Light of the Full Moon [Werewolf! Viktor]

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 The lab door opened and shut quietly as you entered. "Good morning." You greeted the two scientists you assisted.

"Morning Y/N!" The more chipper one, Jayce, responded.

"Good morning." Viktor turned on his lab stool to return your greeting, a small grin on his face.

You returned his smile before getting down to business. "So what are we working on today?"

Jayce crossed the room to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He spoke to you as he led you over to his desk. "Well Viktor doesn't need any assistance today but I could sure use another set of eyes on my project."

"Alright. What's the project?"

Jayce went on to explain the pair of gauntlets that he was working on, how they would go about helping those in the mining industry. Viktor couldn't help but listen in on the conversation, though he was supposed to be focusing on his own invention.

It was hard for Viktor on days like today. Being a disabled man from the Undercity was something he could handle, but also hiding a secret as big as being a werewolf in Piltover on the day of a full moon? It was unbearably tricky. The werewolf curse heightened his senses on the day of the full moon, sometimes to the extent where it made it impossible for him to even get any work done. Viktor attempted to ignore the sounds of your two voices discussing the gauntlets. Thankfully after not too long you and Jayce had begun to work in silence beside each other.

Several hours passed in that blissful silence before another distraction caused Viktor to cease his work. A sweet smell entered his nostrils, one that he'd come to recognize as yours after these past few months. Although this time there was an unfamiliar scent to you, one he couldn't quite pinpoint. He turned his head to find you standing beside him.

"I know Jayce said you didn't need any assistance today, but I'm almost finished helping him and I wanted to see if you needed anything?" You shyly tucked your hair behind your ear and waited for his answer.

Viktors heart beat faster with your increased proximity. Your scent was intoxicating and he could hardly stand it. "I am fine thank you." He responded before turning away from you and placing a hand over his face to try and dull the smell.

You cocked your head to the side and leaned onto his desk. "Is something wrong Viktor?"

"Ah- I'm fine. It's just a headache." He lied. He tightly clenched his free hand into a fist on the table. It was an attempt to draw his attention away from your overwhelming aroma.

"Oh. Maybe you could use something to eat? It is just about lunch time. Do you want me to grab you something?"

Viktor did notice an emptiness in his stomach now that you mentioned it. "Yes food would be good. A steak sandwich would be nice."

"Oh alright... Yeah I can grab that for you." You were a little caught off guard at that request. Usually he asked for something lighter, or sweeter when you did the lunch runs.

"Is that ok?" He asks.

"Yes! You just don't usually get something like that is all." You blushed at admitting you know what he usually likes to eat.

"The iron will be good for my headache." He lied. He didn't know if it would actually help a headache, but he had an intense craving for meat during every full moon.

"I guess that makes sense... I'll get right on it" you smiled at him before heading over to Jayce. "Jayce, I'm doing a lunch run. You want anything?"

Viktor released the breath he didn't know he was holding. Your scent lingered around him until you finally left the lab in your quest for food.

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