👻The Haunted Home👻

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The crack of thunder echoes through a nice home as a girl heads down a flight of steps, clutching her phone as rain poured hard outside. She groans as one of her pj pant legs gets caught on a loose nail, yanking it free. Y/N is her name and had been left home alone for the 2nd time this week, her parents having gone out for another night of drinking and partying. She wasn't really bothered by it, honestly enjoying the alone time she gets from it. Whenever they were home, they always argued like hell then make up in the night with loud loving. If you heard that every night, you'd be greatful when the source of it was gone for a long time.

As she listened to the rain, she walked right into her kitchen. It was pretty dark and gloomy, the only source of light being dim moonlight from outside. She did try to turn the light on, only to find the lights bulbs busted.

She decides to turn her phone's flashlight on, using to search through the fridge for any leftovers. Another crack of thunder startles her as she grabs a container of spaghetti, clutching it.

"Jeez." She mutters, opening the microwave and pops the conntainer inside. She turns the timer and leaned against a kitchen counter to past the time.

Although Y/N was alone and secluded at this moment, she did have a feeling of being watched. The house itself was pretty creepy at night but the feeling of being watched was new, making the hair on her neck stand up. She looks up from her phone, taking a peep into the darkness of the nearby living room. Nothing. Or so she thought.

All of a sudden, the house starts to shake and rattle. Y/N grips the microwave's door handle as everything vibrates fiercely. The cabinet doors burst open, spewing out plates and cups onto the ground. Glass goes flying everywhere, Y/N ducking to get out of the way. Some lands on her as she crouch walks over to the kitchen table.

The house kept rattling, Y/N's phone suddenly shutting off as all the lights in the house flicker on and off rapidly. She covers her eyes as the flashing lights got brighter and brighter. The bulbs make a weird noise before shattering too, glass and plastic from each comes down raining. Y/N places her hands on the floor and crawls underneath the table, cutting her hand on a huge chunk of glass.

"Shit!" She yelps, leaning against a table leg to feel the wound. It was a deep gash going against her entire right palm, not being able to see the blood just yet.

As she hides underneath the table, the shaking stops suddenly. Y/N grips a table leg as she tries to steady herself, hearing whispering from somewhere in the house.

"Leave this place!" One says.

"Get out!" Another cries in a higher tone.

Other voices repeated the phrases as a cold chill creeps up her spine, the house's temperature droppiny suddenly. Her teeth chatter as the voices go from quiet whispers to chanting and berating. They scream at her as the table is rocked violently above her, the voices still yelling.

A light appears throughout the house, casting everything in a blue hue. Y/N pulls up the table cloth, seeing it. "What the hell?" She whispers, looking around.

In the living room, a bunch of ghostly figures and walls. One floats out the living room fire place, glowing the same shade as a blue flame inside it. All of the specters float around, chatting to one another as Y/N stared in awe.

They soon stop as a figure appears on the upstairs catwalk, looking down at all of them. This guy was different. He didn't have any dust or cobwebs embed on him like the other ghost, having a powerful aura surrounding him.

 "Hello everyone

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"Hello everyone. Ready for another night of scarying?" He says, smiling mischievously.

The ghosts nod, murmuring in delight as the ghost guy walks past the other ghosts. A blue flame appears on his hand, the temperature in the house dropping below zero as he uses the flame to shut and lock all rhe windows in the house. His face locking onto the kitchen.

Y/N scoots behind the table cloth, feeling like the guy was looking at her

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Y/N scoots behind the table cloth, feeling like the guy was looking at her. A mischievous smirk adorns his face, his gaze shifting onto the table.

"Seems we've got a guest and new target for tonight's festivities." He beams, the blue flame appearing on his hand again.

"Oh shit!" You whisper, the table and you getting covered in the blue flame.

The table is moved from above you, revealing your curled up form to the ghosts. You struggle as the blue flame takes control of your movements, floating you in the air.

It moves you towards the guy, floating you three feet of the floor. "Hello there." He says, the other ghosts moving towards you two.

To Be Continued~

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