🦇 A Vampire's Child: Part 2 🦇

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"Hello, Reginald." Mom says, gripping my shoulders tightly.

The butler takes my suitcases as he leads us down this long corridor with portraits on the wall. There was a grand staircase that headed to the upstairs portion of the house and a doorway leading into the sitting area to the right of it.

"Anastasia?? That's your name?" I whisper to Mom, shocked at this. The doors shut behind us.

"Yes, that's my full name. I just go by Anna." She explains, letting go of my shoulders.

We head past another doorway, going into this huge living room. Mom puts her keys in her pocket as she watches the butler guy put my suitcases in a nearby room. "Reginald, is my daughter going to be here with you? I thought he would be here." She asks, handing me my charger that fell out of my open suitcase.

"Oh! Master is here but is up in his study. You know how private he can get with his work."He says, walking into the nearby kitchen. "But I can assure you that your daughter is going to see her father. I just hope he isn't distant to her like he is with his other kids."

"Other kids?" I ask, surprised. "Wait, he has other kids?!"

"Oh..did your mother not tell you?" Reginald asks, Mom immediately booking it back towards the front doors with the sound of them hurriedly opening and closing the suite.

"Y-Yea...who are they?" I ask, seeing the butler guy hand me some cucumber sandwiches. "Oooo, thanks."

"Your siblings are of no concern to you as of now and I know that you have a lot of questions too, so I'll say this....your siblings are dangerous and if they find out about you, your life will be in danger." He says sternly before giving me a soft smile to let me calm down.

He hands me some napkins and some water too. "And you're welcome, Y/N, and before you ask about that, yes I know your name already."

I wanted to ask more but I knew that would get shut down so I went back to eating. Reginald heads back to that room where he put my suitcases, coming back with them in hand.

"When you finish eating, come upstairs. There's a room set up for you and I'll have your clothes unpacked and put away already. But do not go to the room to the far right upstairs. That's your father's study and he doesn't want to be desturbed." He says, heading out the living room.

I nod and go back to eating, never having eaten anything this good which was just tv dinners, takeout, and food I stole from school and stores. I soon finished putting the tray in the kitchen's sink before booking it out the living room. I take my time to pop my earbuds in, turning my favorite songs playlist on as I head up these huge stairs. I take some photos from angels on the step before making it onto the upstairs catwalk. I got a good view of the area below me, that being the living room and kitchen. I see candles adorn on the catwalk steps, all giving a dim light to the catwalk and earby hallway. At the left end, there was a door that was left wide open, revealing the room's walls to be a sunset (a pink and soft orange) color.

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