👸💃 Cinderella: Part 1 🕛👠🎃

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Caebethia, a beautiful kingdom known for its lavish style and wonderful citizens

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Caebethia, a beautiful kingdom known for its lavish style and wonderful citizens. But that's not what it's truly like, not by a long shot. The kingdom is separated into two cities, Ageda and Mitiva. Mitiva is the city of the rich and powerful, this is the city that's typically shown to the other kingdoms and is normally thought of when talking about Caebethia. But the other city, Ageda, is the true reality of Caebethia. There the sick, homeless, and poor live in the worst of conditions where the rich dump their garbage in the city like it's a landfill. The King had made Mitivia for popularity purposes. He wanted the rich to favor him even more so he decided to kick the poor and homeless out just for the rich's pleasure. But some of the poor managed to stay in Mitivia.

A young woman named Y/N is one the poor who managed to stay in Mitivia due to her living with her rich father and her stepmother. Her actual mother died of disease when she was 10 and she believes that her father poisoned her mother in order to take her mother's insurance money after death, but that would just be a hunch. Her stepmother is known as Lady Pandora who has two kids of her own, which are her stepsisters, named Lilith and Nimue. Lady Pandora and her children were both selfish and cruel towards the poor girl but would always hide that in front of her father, making Y/N take the blame for anything. Her father, even with his flaws, loved the girl to death and would do anything to make her happy.

Unfortunately, when Y/N turned 12, her father had died of syphilis and pneumonia after contracting it during a business trip in Europe. Before he took his last breath, he ordered his wife to have custody over her which meant that Y/N would have to live with them for the rest of her life. She didn't want to of course
but had no choice in the matter, moving in with them a week after her father's funeral.

His new home was a lavish mansion located deep in the woods and gated off from other people who could wander by it or lived in nearby mansions/rich people homes. The house's interior was nice too, having 10 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 living and entertainment rooms, a big fireplace, 5 powder rooms, a large cleaning, cooking, and maintenance staff at the ready, and a nice wide front and backyard that held the best tea parties and get-togethers.

You would think Y/N would live in one of these rooms but she did not, being told to stay up in the mansion's ceppy attic that was very dusty and had broken floorboards, shattered to no windows at all, spiders and their webs on the ceiling beams and window sill, mice scurrying in and out of the walls. All of this with no bed, just some dirty mattress with springs piercing out of it with mysterious liquids on it and a worn out blanket on top. Lady Pandora told her that she would become her and her stepsisters personal maid, because child labor is great, so she would have to clean up after them and make their bedroom. She would also have to help the maids and cooks of the house without pay and very harsh labor and punishments given to her if she didn't complete them in time.

For the past 10 years, her life has been hell but that all changes on her 22nd birthday. Let's take a look at Y/N's sudden change in life.


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