Tension and Confrontations

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Breaking the thick atmosphere between them, Joe turned around to face the still applauding crowd, and Hope became aware of the boys as the colossal sound they produced filled her ears. Hope smiled down at the familiar faces, then glanced over to Joe.

The spark of hope that light up Joe's eyes was wonderful. His dreams and ambitions seemed moments away from becoming reality and seemed ever closer with each passing moment. The excitement of youth. The ability to dream. The enthusiasm to succeed. The blind need that freed him to reach his potential.

Joe possessed all these qualities. He knew that someday, one way or another, he would achieve his goals. He trusted fate to treat him kindly and give fruit to his labours.

Hope wished she could feel the same. Her smiled faded.

The dream-like state she had been in with Joe broken, Hope suddenly realised how loud it was in the den. And how hot. The yellow light beat down on her like a spot lamp, and Hope began to feel like she was being examined in some kind of hospital. Looking down at her hands, she saw that they were shaking violently.

Joe turned to Hope and noticed her facial expression and shaking hands. Taking a step towards her, he took her hands, his smile fading in concern.

'Are you alright?'

Hope nodded, trying to force a smile, but a huge lump had lodged in her throat, and was making her breathing difficult. She felt light-headed and drowsy, and her vision was dimming and brightening. She felt overwhelmed and numb from her situation.

'Let's go.' Joe said firmly.

The boys heavily protested, but Joe swung his guitar over his shoulder, took Hope's hand and began to lead her away from the crowds. Mack tried to call the boys back to order, having seen the fact that Hope needed to get away written all over her face.

Joe kept looking back at Hope to check she was following, so wasn't looking where he was going when he crashed into one of the boys. Bobby stood in their path, his arms folded over his chest and an amused smile on his face.

'Where you going?' He asked.

'We're just going to get some air.' Joe stated, trying to push past him.

Bobby's smiled vanished. 'I wasn't asking you. I don't care what you do. I'm only interested in...' Bobby stretched his arm out to reach for Hope, but Joe pushed his hand away.

'She needs to get out of here.' Joe explained.

'Who the hell gave you the right to decide what she needs?' Bobby demanded, his voice raised.

'Bobby...' Hope tried to protest.

'Stay outta this.' Bobby snarled.

Hope could see that the situation was escalating quickly and began to panic.

'Hey.' Mack's powerful voice rang out from the balcony, silencing all the boys in the crowd and making them turn to him. 'I hope you boys are keeping it nice over there. You know the rules.'

The boys all turned to look at Joe and Bobby, who were still looking at each other firmly.

'He thinks he can come in here and take over.' Bobby spat the words out aggressively. 'Bossing Hope around. And I'm just standing up for her.'

'I'm pretty sure Hope can stand up for herself.' Mack remarked, which earned a nervous laugh from the crowd, the tension building. 'Stand down, Bobby.'

For a moment, Hope thought that Bobby wasn't going to agree. But, with a sigh, Bobby took a step back and forced a fake smile, letting the pair step by.

'Have a great evenin'.' Bobby sarcastically demurred. 'I'm watching you.' He hissed threateningly through his teeth so that only Hope and Joe could hear.

Joe held Hope's hand firmly, and to his credit didn't rise to the bait that Bobby had laid for him. He knew that it was not the time to give in to an instinct of pride and dignity. It was merely gang politics after all, and Joe wasn't in the slightest bit interested in being top. He didn't care if Bobby hated him; as long as he remained a non-violent enemy, everything was fine.

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