A Life-Changing Offer

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Joe gaped in disbelief. 'I... Are you...? Are you sure? I mean... I...'

'No need to get so tongue-tied.' Matthews smiled. 'We're making your chances a little better that's all.'

Joe nodded slowly, taking the information in. 'Ok, but why? Why us? What do you want in return?'

'Only that if you get a management deal with one of these firms, you'll use our studio to produce. It's good publicity for our business to have a signed duo, you understand?' Matthews explained matter-of-factly.

Yet again Joe nodded. Turning to Hope, he questioned. 'What do you think of that? It sounds pretty reasonable to me.'

Hope swallowed, her brain still on overload. 'I... I think that's ok.'

Joe smiled. 'Alright Mr Matthews. My partner and I would be happy to take you up on your offer.'

'Glad to hear it.' Matthews offered his hand which Joe firmly shook.

Hope shook his hand with a smile, but the word "partner" was echoing around her head. Then an image of Mack rose up in her mind's eye. Followed by Aunt Sophie and Uncle Luke. And the view out of her bedroom window. Management deals... being a star... performing... it all required leaving New York...

Matthews smiled at Joe, gesturing to the changed look on Hope's face. 'I sense your friend is a little overwhelmed by all of this.'

'I'm sure we both are.' Joe agreed. 'It will take a while for all this to fully sink in. So, when would you like us to come down to record?'

'Well, are you two heading off anywhere now?' Matthews smiled. 'You could start right away. The sooner we get those demos prepped, the better.'

Joe looked ecstatic as he glanced at Hope. 'What do you say?'

With that look on his face, Hope hadn't the strength to refuse, even though she felt a sickness low in her stomach. The pictures of her family and her friends still haunted her, and she felt cold fear sinking into her.

Before she could think any clearer, Hope found herself in the dimly lit sound booth, fitted out with a pair of big black headphones over her ears and a long microphone stand in front of her.

Hope had never seen a real microphone. She'd never felt the soft black metal clutched in her shaking fingers. Never touched the rough amplifier and imagined her voice being recorded in it.

She felt so confused all of a sudden. Her head was spinning.

Joe stood beside her, equally kitted out, a radiant smile spread across his face. This was his dream come true.

Through a thin glass panel in front of her, Hope could see Ross and Mr Matthews sat in front of the large desk of buttons again.

Ross had explained that the buttons controlled the recording tapes from the sound booth. Hope didn't feel she fully understood, but her mind was in such a state of emergency panic that she doubted she would understand anything at that stage.

Suddenly, music began playing through Hope's headphones, and she jumped because she was so tense. It was their song. Just A Moment.

Joe had begun to sing next to her. It was so familiar a sound but so foreign at the same time. Hope's pulse began to drown out all other sounds. She grappled for control and tried to concentrate on her words as she could feel herself slipping away.

Distantly she recognised that her part was coming up. She needed to sing. But instead of hearing the music, all Hope could hear was Mack. Saying something disapproving. Seeing him turn away from her...

The time came and went, and Hope could hear her vocals on the track in her headphones. She opened her mouth, but all that came out was a squeak.

The music stopped abruptly. 'Are you alright there?' Matthews asked through the microphone that was attached to the desk in front of him.

'I...I...I'm sorry. I think I need some air.' Hope managed to stutter.

'Ok, take five. It was sounding good though. All good stuff.' Matthews affirmed reassuringly.

Hope nodded vacantly, only thinking of getting as far away from the studio as she could. Home to Aunt Sophie and Uncle Luke. Home to safety.

As Hope charged through the booth door, Joe caught the look in her eye. Like a trapped animal planning it's escape. He was concerned so he decided to follow her. He had to jog to keep up with the brisk pace she set in the direction of the street below.

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