Meet the Family

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Later in the evening, after introductions had been completed and the pair were sat at the dinner table with Aunt Sophie and Uncle Luke, Joe turned to Hope with a conspiratorial smile. Uncle Luke viewed the exchange with a smile and decided to interview the boy that his niece was so enamoured with.

'So, Joe, what is it that brings you to the big city? Hope mentioned something about you guys making music together.'

Joe smiled. 'I came over from LA to find a singing partner. It's my big dream to perform my songs and get signed, and Hope is helping me achieve that dream. We're going to sing in a concert together in a few weeks.'

Uncle Luke nodded. 'Your parents must trust you a lot to let you come out here on your own.'

'They do trust me. And they know that I'm going to work hard for what I want.'

'It must be hard being away from your family though.'

Joe smiled sadly. 'It hasn't been easy. I miss my family a lot.'

'You have siblings?' Aunt Sophie queried.

Joe nodded. 'Georgie. She's the best older sister you could ever ask for. When she went off to college two years ago, I really missed her.'

'You're very close.' Uncle Luke smiled.

'The closest siblings I know. We've always hung out together despite the two-year age gap. She convinced me to come out to New York and pursue my dream.'

'That's lovely.' Aunt Sophie smiled softly. 'What's she majoring in?'

'Psychology. She's always had an overwhelming instinct to help and nurture people.' Joe shrugged with a smile. 'I think that's why we get on so well; she never bears grudges and hardly ever gets involved in arguments.'

'And what about your parents?' Uncle Luke asked.

Joe's smile broadened. 'My mum is a freelance photographer and my dad is a journalist. It's great because they get to work together on quite a few projects. When my dad has an assignment, he always get's my mum to go on shoot with him to take photos. It's how they met actually.'

Aunt Sophie clasped her hands in front of her, a dreamy look in her eyes. 'That's so romantic.'

Joe laughed. 'What can I say? We're a creative family. A group of hopeless romantics.'

'And that's wonderful in a boy your age.' Aunt Sophie affirmed. 'No wonder you and Hope get on so well.'

Joe looked to Hope with a smile. 'Yes. I see her creative potential.' Looking up to her aunt and uncle, Joe stated honestly. 'She's a special girl.'

Hope blushed. 'You can't say things like that whilst I'm sat here. You'll make me die of embarrassment.'

'You can't be embarrassed about it when it's true.' Joe smiled at her charmingly.

'He's intelligent, charming, creative, handsome and believes in you. What else could you ask for Hope?' Aunt Sophie smiled mischievously. 'He's perfect. You should snap him up as soon as you can.'

Hope raised her eyes to heaven. 'To quote Chandler from Friends: "you'd think that would embarrass me, but you see I'm maxed out".'

The table erupted into laughter.

As the laughter subsided, Joe looked down to Hope. 'I should probably get going. Mack will be wondering where I've got to.'

Hope rose from the table. 'I'll walk you home.'

'No, no, I'm fine.' Joe stood up. 'I know my way around by now.'

'At least let me walk you to the door.' Hope said firmly.

After having said goodbye to Aunt Sophie and Uncle Luke, Hope let Joe out of the apartment block. They awkwardly said goodbye, and Hope wondered why she'd insisted on seeing him to the door. She turned around to walk back inside.

'You know something?' Joe said as Hope's hand touched the door.

Hope turned to face Joe. 'What?'

'I'm glad I met you.'

Hope smiled. 'I'm glad I met you too.'

Joe took a step forward. 'I meant what I said in front of your Aunt and Uncle; you're a really special girl.'

Hope blushed. 'You always say things that I don't know how to respond to.'

Joe shrugged nonchalantly. 'I always say what I think. I don't do filtered.'

'I can see that.' Hope smirked. 'I don't know much else about you, but I know that.'

Joe laughed. 'No, I suppose you don't know me. And I don't really know you.' There was a pause. 'Would you like to find out more?'

'Meaning?' Hope asked.

'You're at work tomorrow, right?' Hope nodded. 'I'll come meet you for your lunch break and we can talk. Get to know each other. We need to know more about each other if we even want to attempt becoming successful partners.'

'You're right. And I like that idea.' Hope smiled.

'Then it's a date.' Joe smiled in the way that he always did.

'Sounds wonderful.' Hope agreed softly. 'See you tomorrow then.'

Joe nodded. 'See you then.'

As he strolled away down the street, Hope watched Joe. That warm feeling that had been in her heart that first night had grown. He really was perfect. She wished she could tell him so, but she knew it would jeopardise everything they had. And it was so good that Hope couldn't bear to risk that.

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