A Stronger Connection

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Two days later, the duo returned to the studio and recorded their songs, which they were both delighted for and fully on board with that time. They could both tell that it was the right time and atmosphere for the adventure they were about to embark on.

After spending most of the day at the studio, Hope and Joe finally got out of the multi-storey building as the twilight had begun to fade into dark night.

As soon as the revolving door swung close behind them, the pair turned to each other, their levels of excitement pasted across their faces. They embraced vigorously, and Hope squealed with joy.

'We actually did it! Recorded our own songs!' She exclaimed.

'Yes, we did. And you were brilliant.' Joe assured her.

'I can't believe it really. It's insane.' Hope continued as Joe released her.

'I don't think I have absorbed it properly yet either.' Joe admitted. 'Everything I've been working towards for the last year is finally coming true for me.'

Hope clasped his arm, still smiling uncontrollably. 'Everything you've ever dreamed of is going to come to you. I just know it is. You've worked so hard for it that it's impossible to believe anything else.'

Joe smiled down at her. 'I love your belief in me. In us. It makes me feel so powerful.'

A short silence fell in which the pair just looked at each other, their mutual elation radiating into the atmosphere around them. Yet again, Hope felt like she wanted to kiss Joe in that moment. To seal everything between them.

Joe's cough interrupted that train of thought, as did his look to the side. 'I should probably be getting back...'

'Why don't you come home with me?' Hope felt herself asking. 'My aunt and uncle wanted to meet you, and what better moment than now? We can celebrate.'

'As long as they don't mind, I'm fine with that.' Joe smiled.

Taking his hand and feeling the warmth ripple up her whole arm, Hope walked Joe back towards her home, hoping that her aunt and uncle would behave even remotely normally in front of this boy that she had come to like so much.

When they arrived on the doorstep of the apartment block, the snow had begun to fall. Joe stopped Hope before she opened the door.

'I remember this. It was just like this. The night that we first met.'

Hope looked up at the dark sky and watched the delicate flakes fall to the warm ground and melt upon the surface. 'Yes, it was. You were even wearing that coat.'

Joe looked down. 'I suppose I was. I don't remember.'

Hope blushed when she remembered her thoughts when she saw him in that coat. That night, he looked like Mark Darcy as much as he had that first time. But the pull towards him was definitely stronger, as she now knew he was a sensitive, charming and intelligent man, not just a handsome figure. She couldn't summon up words because of her embarrassment.

'All I remember was seeing you.' Joe continued. 'And thinking that you were just what I was looking for.'

Hope smiled, finally daring to meet his eyes. 'I'm glad that you did.'

Joe smiled back, but an intensity was building in his eyes that Hope could not decipher. He moved slowly closer to her until she found herself having to look up to meet his gaze. He was breathing harshly, and Hope tried to understand what was happening as his hand came to rest upon her cheek.

Then suddenly it was over. Joe took a sharp step back, ran his hand through his hair and breathed the cold air in deeply. His smile was a little forced to create an atmosphere of easiness, but the tension was still arching in the air between them, warming the chill of the night.

'Let's go up.' Joe said firmly.

Hope nodded with a smile as her brain finally connected the dots; Joe had been about to kiss her. She was sure of that. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. And this thought made her smile.

They walked up the stairs in silence, and Hope was glad that her aunt and uncle would be waiting at the apartment to ease the tension. She felt excited about what had happened, but she didn't know how to proceed.

Aunt Sophie opened the door before Hope and Joe reached the step, as she must have heard them coming. Her warm smile welcomed them both into the apartment.

'Hello, hello. Come in, do. Oh, so you must be the boy that Hope's always talking about lately. Joe, was it?' Aunt Sophie tittered with excitement and Hope rolled her eyes in embarrassment.

'Yes. Joseph Stevens, but everyone calls me Joe. It's a pleasure to meet you.' Joe said formally, flashing his handsome smile and offering Aunt Sophie a firm handshake.

Hope smiled at Aunt Sophie's clear pleasant surprise. It was good that she liked him; she'd be seeing a lot more of him, Hope was sure.

Stevens, Hope thought, testing the name on her tongue. She liked that. She liked that a lot. A strong, characteristic name for a strong and characteristic man.

It was strange that he had never told her his surname. In truth, he hadn't told her much about himself. She didn't know anything about his family or his childhood, except that he came from LA. She didn't know his birthday. She didn't know his favourite colour. She knew effectively nothing about him.

But what she did know about him was what mattered. And she liked what she knew.

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