Chapter One

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My heart was beating like crazy.

It was finally happening! We were finally going to get to Spain for our school trip. Even Scott, the school's resident idiot and jerk sitting next to me couldn't ruin this for me. Unfortunately, he was right beside me, and crying his eyes out.
"I can't believe I was put on the C team for volleyball! You've seen me play, haven't you? A team material, right?"
He ranted on and on. I tried to eat my lunch to take my mind off his whining. It didn't work. I threw my sandwich at him, and he snatched it out of the air, eating it greedily, and it was gone in three seconds. That's just what he was; a stupid, fat, rude jerk.

That's when things started going wrong.
The plane started shaking. I assured myself that it's just turbulence, and nothing more. Just wind, pushing on the plane. Then I realized that the convulsions of the plane were rapidly getting more violent, and that the plane's speed was increasing at an incredibly fast pace. Screams erupted all around me, and I started to sprint towards the control room.
When I got there, I realized that there was no one there. The pilots had disappeared, and the plane was malfunctioning, going an immense amount faster than it was built for. Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. Blank white space replaced everything in sight but all the people on the plane. The roar of the engines died immediately, to be replaced by the tranquil sound of nothing at all.
Am I dead? I thought. I wasn't falling, just floating amidst all the others, suspended in a blank white void looking down at the ground, 10,000 meters below. And, just as sudden as the plane had disappeared, we were falling. Scott saw something shiny falling next to him, and thinking that it was a chocolate wrapped in tinfoil, he snatched it greedily out of the air and attempted to take a bite out of it, and managed to crack a tooth instead.
"Holy... This is solid gold! I'm rich! Oh, God, I'm freaking-" he hollered.
"Dead." I spat in his face, "we're all dead! We're going to hit the ground any second now, and..."
I didn't get to finish my sentence. A murder of crows had flown by, and seen the glint of the gold on his hand. They began to swarm him. Blood started to flow, and it splattered various crows, turning them a disgusting shade of Crimson. One of the crows grabbed the gold and flew off, others following closely behind. No trace of Scott's body was left. I now realized why it was called a murder of crows. Thats when I remembered I was about to die.
The ground began to get closer and then...

I stopped. One inch above the ground, I was suspended once more. I put my feet to the ground, and straightened myself. I walked around, pulling people down to earth.
I saw a foot floating around head height. I pulled hard, and then heard a thud and a shriek. Guys that I had previously pulled down rushed towards the sound, and I turned and saw that the person I pulled down was Alicia, the school gossip girl. I choked out a laugh at how snobby she was being, even in a situation like this. Her jewelry had survived the crash; the sun bounced off it, blinding me. I turned, and began to walk away.

A flutter of wings came from behind; I froze, dead in my tracks. A shriek came from behind me, and I whirled to see the source of the sound. I was too late. All I saw was those same crows, flying away with Alicia's jewelry, and a bloody mess of what she used to be. Most people were stunned, but I didn't waste any time. I knew we had to leave; had to get away from those birds, or so many more would die. I spotted a nearby cave; I told everyone to take anything shiny, throw it as far away from them as possible, and follow me. We ran, starting out with a fast, steady pace. But it was as though we were running away from the cave; as though every step I took forward was just a step backwards. After running for about a minute, the cave looked like a speck carved into the rock in the distance. I looked down, and noticed that what we're now running on is sand. Then a crazy thought popped into my head. A crazy one, but it was the only one we had.

"Run in the opposite direction."
I said. People started giving me funny looks. "Just do it!" I screamed at them. And you know what? They did. After about two minutes of that, we were in the cave, and night began to fall. I sat down on a rock, pondering what's going to happen to us, where we are, and above all what are we going to do. I decided to sleep on it. I lay down on the cold rock floor, and fall asleep.

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