Chapter three

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I slowly began regaining my consciousness. As everything began to clarify, Liam noticed me stirring. Liam is around average height, white, and with a very European hairstyle, still perfectly gelled into place. I let out a choked laugh that he still cared enough to not let his hair become a messy brown mop.

"Hey," he said, "you're awake."
"How long was I out for? And where the hell are we?"
"You were out for a couple hours, tops. And we had to leave after we killed off most of the Clones. The cave isn't safe enough, so we relocated into the forest. We're a couple miles in from the shore."
"Where's everyone else?" I said as I attempted to sit up. I let out a shriek of pain on realizing that I had probably cracked a rib and fell back down against the mossy forest floor.
"They're out there, looking around the area. Someone saw your makeshift bow and arrow and started making more, as well as sharpening sticks to make spears. And... The Clones... We lost some." His face dropped.
".... How many?" I whispered.
"Six, maybe more." He walked away, with shoulders slumped and head bowed.

Once I could finally stand the pain in my ribs, I sat up and began to walk around the area. Night had fallen. We were close to a rock outcrop that overlooked most of the area, a lake and a river that led into the lake. I grabbed one of the spears that the survivors had been making and set off towards the outlook.

I sat down at the edge of the giant rock, and stared at the moon. It was different here, it looked blue, or even turquoise. I heard a purring off to my right, and jumped to my feet, spear at ready. And... It was a cat. Not some huge dangerous wildcat, but just a tabby.

After staring at it for some time, I finally decided that it was tame, and sat back down. The cat walked up to me, and took a seat on my leg. It was a young cat, with black fur and eyes the colour of the moon. It closed its eyes. I looked back at the moon, and it winked out. Then it reappeared. I glanced back at the cat and its eyes were open again. The cat blinked, and so did the moon. Mystified, I picked up the cat and returned to the others. I lay down on the forest floor fell asleep.

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