Chapter two:obsessed

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It's been a few day I get to see the coach today but I'm going to show him that I can actually play hockey but the team said he is really strict but yesterday me and Dwayne practiced together it was really fun he is really fun to hangout with he's cute.

I got up and got ready for the day like I normally do then I went do to class it was really boring I was sat next to Rick he is really nice to me but he is mean to the others after lunch we went to practice I saw a man.

After practice I went to the library and done some homework with the team I don't actually know if the coach liked me but I tried my best.

Rick walked in and sat on the table with us "Kimberly I bet you 20 bucks you can't touch your toes I stood up "ok then 20 bucks first"I said "of course princess"he said and handed me a 20 bill I took it and sat down everyone started laughing "I wasn't born yesterday Rick"I said then we made eye contact I broke it by doing the rest of my homework then he walked away.

It's been a few days I got a job at a fancy restaurant I needed some more money as I hate taking it off my parents they work so hard I'm just a waitress after school every couple days I go.

I was walking to class with the team then Rick and his team came up to us
"Kimberly 10,000 to come play for are team"Rick said to me I was in shock I looked behind me every one was in shock to
"20,000"Rick said
"Oh?Luxury could buy anything"I said
"Kim don't"Connie said
"Bubblegum don't leave us"Dwayne said
I went on my top toes and whisper into ricks ear "sorry but no you are a bit obsessed"I said
"For you Kimberly I'm crazy you will be mine"he whispered back I smirked and walked to class the whole team wanted to know what I said "guys I don't matter I didn't take the money you're lucky that was a lot of money"I said then the teacher came.

And again it's been a few weeks Adam went to varsity team,me and Dwayne haven't been close well it's like we drifted away I hate got really depressed and I never got no time on the ice I'm always on the bench and I miss my parents and my friends and Rick is so annoying he even jokes about how I talk.

Rick invited everyone to a restaurant his treat but i couldn't come I had work and it's been pretty good it's really nice like you got a really nice uniform it's a bright red collar shirt with a black skirt and tights with a ribbon around the waist if the skirt but the problem is I have to wear heels I can wear them but all night I have to wear them a bit annoying.

I got to work then I saw the team with varsity sitting on a table I was so embarrassed but it was really busy tonight so I couldn't ignore them I went to take there orders they was shocked to see me "oh Kimberly I didn't know you worked here"ricks said "well you do now can you just order your food so I can do my job and not get fired"I shouted they ordered then I brought out there drinks with the other waitress then there food they ordered a lot of food.

Then It was my brake I sat in the staff room on my phone eating a bag of flaming hot Cheetos like every brake then I went to clean tables the team was still there but not varsity they was sitting there worried I knew what they did varsity left them to pay I took the bill it was 1300 I coughed they all had there heads down not knowing what to do "what are we going to do"Charlie said "um well I'll speak to my boss"i said the nodded I went to my boss I explained what happened.

And they all found themselves scrubbing toilets I was cleaning tables then my shift ended the team left about five minutes ago I walked back to the school.

It was the next day a Saturday no school I got ready for the day I had a top on and some jeans I opened the door and Dwayne was there
"Oh hey Dwayne"I said "good morning beautiful"he said then realised what he said I blushed "we'll do you want to hang out bubblegum"he said "sure"I said every time he calls me bubblegum butterflies are in my stomach.

We went to the diner and had milkshakes Dwayne was so cute then we went and made TikTok's he gave me a cow boy hat I left mine back at home he made me blush so much he is so funny and so much fun it was sunset we was sitting on the grass the sun was setting then we both made eye contact he leaned in so did I we was about to kiss then it started pouring I started laughing we quickly ran to shelter so we don't get socked through once the rain stopped we started walking back it started raining really heavy we was socked we ran back we was in the hallway to are dorms the boys ones was down the hall to the girls we was walking down it then all the team was walking towards us well all the boys I went into my dorm I couldn't stop smiling.

Dwayne's pov:

The boys came to me "oh Dwayne you got a girlfriend"Charlie said "no I just like her"I said we went to are dorm all the boys was there "ok then tell us what happened"luis said "well we was so close to kissing but it stated raining so she got up I really like her she is like the one I love her she is my girl my bubblegum"I said "wow you're in love"guy said "yea"I said.

(Back to Kim)

I went into the dorm the girls was there smiling at me I grabbed a towel to dry off then I sat on my bed "so what happened"Julie said "well we was so close to kissing but it started raining so I jumped up and ruined the moment"I said
"Kim you didn't ruin the moment"Connie said
"Well in a couple days we can all go home but then we will come back here and then we will see what happens and any way it's not like a lot will change in 4 weeks right"I said then I got in the shower.

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