Chapter three:school

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I had all my things packed we was all about to go my taxi was there I hugged all the team then Dwayne came to me he kissed my cheek I went red red "who do you love more in this world"I whisper in Dwayne ear,then the taxi man wanted to go so I waved at them all and got in the taxi to the airport so I can go home.

It's been 4 weeks i didn't want to go back well I have been back for like a week so I only had three weeks at home all the planes wasn't coming here the week we have to go but mostly everyone was there except my team and well i really like Dwayne but Rick he is so nice to me we kinda are dating but I don't know how to tell Dwayne I hope he doesn't like me anymore Rick is so good to me he is kinda toxic but I when Rick asked me out I don't know why I said yes to be honest but I still can't believe Dwayne would want to date me when he had a girlfriend Rick told me.

I was in my dorm packing some more of my stuff then Connie and Julie walked in with there bags we all hugged and they was packing there thing and we had a big chat I told them about Rick they didn't want me to date him but they wasn't mean about it.

It was now lunch time but today there is no classes we all had lunch then we all went outside then Rick walked up to me he kissed me then he got my hand and we walked near the water fountain music began to play we started dancing together he was an okay dancer.

Dwayne's pov :

Once i come back to school Kim my bubblegum was in love with Rick I loved her so much she has broke my heart.
The whole team knew i liked her I thought she liked me.
"What is she doing"Fulton said
She dancing with him now he's grabbing her hips pulling her in kissing her lips and whispering in her ear"I said I was kinda jealous I walked back to my dorm I started packing some of my things then the team walked in Connie hugged me they made me feel a lot better.
(Back to Kimberly)

Rick walked me back up into my dorm then he left I started curling my hair it usually takes about two and a half hours as my hair is so long I sat on my chair and started curling it then the whole team walked in Dwayne looked really sad the all sat around because are dorm is bigger I carried on curling my hair it was about an hour in and I was like half done "your arms must hurt"averman said "yeah they do"I said and laughed.

After my hair was finished I shook it out it looked ok I guess then we all watched a movie Fulton and me was on my bed Connie and guy was on her bed and Julie and dean was in her bed the rest was on the floor or on my really big bean bag then Charlie got a phone call i paused the movie he got really sad then he told us that his old friends passed away I got up and hugged him he hugged back it looked like he needed one then Charlie left all the boys went with him.

A few weeks later
Charlie's friend was laid to rest like a week ago it's been tough for some of the team me and Rick is ok except he is really jealous and he wants me on his team and he is really toxic I have had enough of it I don't know what to do.

I have gotten depressed I feel bad about it there is worst things happening to people but I left my home to go to a team that I don't even get to play for I'm always on the bench I've been really emotional for a long time I cry myself to sleep and Rick he don't want me he wants Mandy he always did.

Me and Rick was with his friends near there lockers the team was opposite us I didn't listen to most of what they was saying "ha ha yeah Kimberly you cut bangs then you would be so lame"ricks friend said to me "ha or if you don't listen to rick he will break up with you"another said "you would be nothing without him cow girl"another said rick couldn't stop laughing I felt so put down I felt so embarrassed I looked down I looked back up the whole team was looking at me in shock they was still making fun of me "yeah my boyfriend pretty cool but he's not as cool as me"I said then the bell rang so I went to class.

After a game and again I never played in the game I was benched they still won I went back at my dorm I looked in the mirror I got some kitchen scissors I started cutting bangs I was having a mental breakdown I had mascara running down my face then the whole team walked in I cut the bangs I wiped my eyes every one was in shock I styled the bangs they didn't look bad then i did a few touch up and they looked really good then the boys left I went to sleep.

It was the next day in the hall Rick walked up to me he looked at me in disgust "Kimberly you know I don't like girls with bangs you look horrible you might as well shave your head you wouldn't look half as bad I had you were I wanted you"he said "wanted me"I said in shock the team looked at me "yes you heard me cow girl"he said "I don't know what you have been told but I'm not your enemy but there is one thing you are not a friend to me your dead to me"I said "I didn't want you any way cow girl you're nothing with out me"he was saying but I interrupted "nothing without you I'm every thing Rick remember you need to start respecting people not all your life they will kiss your ass"I said and walked to practice again tonight we got another game.

I was in the locker room coach Bombay watched this one and again I never got playing Time I was benched still.
I just kinda broke down it was just me and the coaches "you did this to me"I said "what"the caches said "you fucking did this to me Bombay you fucking ruined my life!"I shouted while I was crying my eyes out the coaches wouldn't say anything I walked out I looked to were the team was they just looked at me then out there heads down I went to the door I got dressed then I walked to the diner I had a milkshake and I was on the phone to my farther I didn't tell him about anything that has happened I just say it's been fun then my dad had to go then I sat there crying again after I went into the bathroom I wiped my eyes and splashed cold water on my face then I went back to the dorm no one was in there i heard loud laughing from next door i put some headphones in and I just was texting my friends from back home they was real ones I miss them so much I knew them since I was born they knew everything what was happening they told me Dwayne was a real one he was perfect but I guess I ruined it then the door opened it was Dwayne he looked kinda upset he got Julie's phone "um hi"he said "hey"I said then he walked out.

The next day the girls sleep in the boys dorm I got up and got ready we'll I was really tired and we'll I felt weird not about Rick but Dwayne I put on some shorts and top I just had a fish tail braid with a hat on then I grabbed my bag they was no school today the team was outside "hey kim"Connie said I waved at them then I walked to a car I rented they don't actually know I'm under age I got in it and drove to the mall i like shopping I got a new pair of shoes then I went back Dwayne was outside he was by himself I went over to him "Dwayne do you want to talk"I said hugging him "I can't do this anymore"he snapped out
"what"I said
"Now you like me"he said
"Dwayne what are you talking about"I said
"What am I talking about Kimberly I was I was in love with you ok and you didn't love me back now I'm ready to move on and it's like you're going to build me up all over again we'll I'm done I'm done"he said I stood there in shock
"You loved me"I said
"Yes and I thought you loved me"he said
"Dwayne I did but until I found out you had a girlfriend rick well he helped me to get over you"I said
"I never had a girlfriend Kimberly"Dwayne said
"What I can't believe it I fell for it I'm so sorry Dwayne"I said I hugged him he liked at me
"Kimberly it hurts to much you broke my heart all I wanted was you I kissed you when you was going home we was about to kiss in the rain but you got up I fell for you bubblegum way to hard"he said
"Dwayne what are you saying"I said
"Kim I'm saying your just going to do it again and again I can't love you all over we are done whatever we have is done it's finished"he said I stood up and left I have been so horrible to him What have I done.

Dwayne thought to himself "what have I done".

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