1-6 A promise not kept

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 They traveled the road north, walking in the afternoon sun as they talked. Gersius spent a considerable amount of time teaching her about stealing and made her promise not to take anything that wasn't freely given.

"I promise I will not take anything," she said after his lengthy sermon. They camped that night under a large tree with thick branches and were on the road again early in the morning. By late afternoon they crested a grassy hill, and before them was the town of Tots Creek.

The majority of the buildings were small wooden structures crowned by thatch roofs, but here and there, a building rose above the others. One building, in particular, stood out for its size and was easily seen from the hill. The streets were busy with people going about their business and chores, as Lilly looked in amazement.

"Look at all the rodents!" she said, pointing at them. "Will they want to wash my feet?"

"Probably not," Gersius replied and went to lead the way.

"Humph," she said with a toss of her head.

"What is it?"

"I am a dragon! These rodents should be grateful to wash my feet."

A smile came to his face as he chuckled at the remark. Already Lilly was showing signs of acceptance and not immediately fearful of humans. He was grateful for the experience at the farm to help open her eyes and prayed there would be more like it ahead. He thought to warn her, though, worried that she might think all people were as kind as the farmers.

"Remember, most of these people are good and kind, but whenever there is a large number of them, there is bound to be several who are not. Do not be so quick to trust them. Be polite, but be careful."

"Gersius, I can't understand you. How am I going to know who I can or can't trust?" she said, sweeping her hand over the town.

"Just let your senses tell you, and do not go off with any of them, stay close to me."

"I hardly planned to go wandering off," she said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

They entered the town and walked down the rutted street. People passed by disinterested, busy with there own lives, but here and there, a person took notice of Lilly.

"Ooh, what an unusual color oh hair on that one," they heard one woman say.

"Is that girl's hair blue?" a man whispered to another loud enough to hear.

Gersius noticed the looks of men as their eyes followed Lilly, and it made him nervous. Small farming towns were not accustomed to exotic women, and local lords could be rather forward with a pretty girl. The local louts might be forward as well, but his presence should be more than enough to keep them at bay. Still, it was suspicious to see a priest in full armor this from the war. The local temple likely had several on duty but certainly not under full arms. Between he and Lilly, the town's people certainly had plenty to gossip about.

Lilly took no notice of it, instead staring at the buildings and the people with wonder. She was fascinated by what the women were wearing, particularly when they wore bright colors. He was forced to take her hand when she tried to follow a woman in a soft blue dress with white trims, reminding her to stay close.

They headed for the largest building in the town, a tired-looking structure with yellowing plaster walls, and sagging timbers. A few people loitered around the doorway as Gersius led her toward it.

"This is called an inn," he said as they approached. "We will find food and shelter for the night inside."

"There is more food?" Lilly asked her face suddenly brighter. She sniffed at the air as if trying to smell what the kitchen might be cooking.

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