1-12 Suffer for Faith

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 Golden sunlight filtered through the trees above the little temple of Ulustrah. The morning dew still clung to the grass, and a slight breeze carried with it the scent of nearby flowers. Thayle sat on a stone with legs folded and a large silver basin in her lap. She meditated by staring into the mirror-like surface of the clear water contained within. It was part of her practice to spend the early morning gazing into the mirror-like surface in communion with her goddess. It was a special moment when her heart and mind were open to the power of Ulustrah, and she rarely missed it.

After prayers, she lingered out front, watching the townspeople go about their morning chores. She had the perfect vantage point from her little temple on the hill and could see much of what happened below. From here, she first noticed the two strangers and began to watch them with interest.

She couldn't see their auras from this distance, but she didn't need that to know they were connected. The dark-haired woman with reddish skin was obviously a southern warrior maiden. They were uncommon in her area, but the road south eventually reached their land. She carried one of their signature black bows, laced with feathers and the long curved knives her people often favored. Her clothing was typical of her kind, made mostly of patchwork leather and furs in earthy colors. Her upper arms and legs were left bare to reveal well-defined muscles shaped by careful training and work. Her people were rumored to be able to run for a full day without rest, and Thayle could see why.

The man was harder to place. He was shorter but only by an inch and wore a large black hat with a wide brim. He kept that hat tipped, so the brim hid his face as if trying to avoid anyone getting a good look at him. A dark brown cloak covered his upper body, concealing his armor. If not for the skin on his lower face, she would not be able to place him at all. From here, he appeared to be fair-skinned and probably of northern descent.

The two strangers methodically moved about the town, never speaking to anyone for more than a few moments before moving on. It was apparent they were conducting a search, ass they moved from building to building, questioning people and stealing glances inside.

Thayle decided to wait at the door of her little temple. If these strangers were searching the town, they would eventually come to her. When they finally began to climb the hill, she sat on a stump, gazing into her bowl.

"Greetings, travelers," she said in a warm tone without looking away from the water. "Blessings of Ulustrah on you."

"Greetings, priestess," Tavis said with a sweeping bow as they came to a halt a dozen paces away.

Thayle cast a glance, taking note of the body language as well as the colors of their light. The woman was turned ever so slightly to the side, her feet planted and hands resting on hips. It was a stance that left her ready to move in the blink of an eye. All she could see of the man's face was his smile, a sort of mischievous grin that hinted at some hidden secret. His right arm" was folded into the bow, but the left was held wide and loose. There was the unmistakable bulge of a sword under his cloak and perhaps a dagger on the other side. It was obvious these were experienced fighters and stayed at the ready even in a quiet little village such as hers.

Putting the bowl aside, she smiled and looked between them. Now they were close enough, and both had faint auras of cold blue light. They were neither upset nor relaxed but alert and ready. She could also see the slow exchange of light as tiny droplets broke away and drifted to one another. They were firmly committed to one another and deeply in love.

What can Ulustrah do for you on this fine day?" Thayle asked and studied their response.

"We are looking for a friend," the woman said as she studied Thayle right back. Her voice was calm to avoid sounding threatening. Her facial features were sharp and well defined, a common trait among her people. What stuck Thayle the most was the look of strength and pride in her vivid green eyes.

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