1-4 I Need You

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He looked out the stone framed window into the courtyard below. The yard was filled with the brothers of Astikar as they ran about their various tasks. He watched them come and go in their red robes, and shining armor with great amusement. They were all busied on their tasks blissfully unaware of the world and the war going on around them.

His gaze went out across the city beyond the walls of this monastery. It was a far cry from the splendor of Calathen but it had large holdings for the order of Astikar. He had moved his office and his staff here after Gersius had left. He wanted to be closer in the event that things did not go according to plan.

No doubt this would be the route Gersius took on his way back. He pondered that a moment. The people had been questioned after he arrived. Gersius had not come this way on his mission. Nor was he or his men seen on the roads north of here. That could only mean that Gersius was trying to remain unseen. Why was he going to great lengths to hide his passing? What was the man planning? Even more alarming were the rumors that many on the battle lines had met with him just before he left. So many of the men of Astikar saw Gersius as some manner of hero of the order. What had this hero told them before running after his dragon? What plans were laid within plans by the orders greatest strategist?

A knock on the door brought him back to the office around him.

"Do come in," he called with a smooth voice turning around to face the doorway of his study.

"Father Abbot," came the dull voice of a man with short black hair. He entered the room and fell to one knee briefly. He wore black plate armor with red around the edges. A red ravens head decorated his right shoulder plate. The armor covered all of his body except for his head and his hands and made a slight rattle as he walked.

"Has there been news of the expedition?" the Father asked of the man who entered the room.

"There is news," the man said getting up and walking calmly across the red rug covered stone floor. "There was a slaughter deep in the Greenwall south of Connersdell," he said coming to a red cushioned chair of polished wood that sat before an ornate desk. He casually took a seat struggling slightly to bend in his armor. He then looked up at the Father Abbot an overconfident smile on his face.

"A hundred bandersooks dead, the forest was littered with bodies," he said taking a sudden interest in his fingernails.

"And the brothers, have they been located?" the father asked growing impatient.

"All dead," the man said picking at a finger with his other hand.

"Astikar be merciful," The Father Abbot said going pale. "Poor Gersius, he was so sure."

"Gersius wasn't among them," the man added in his dull voice.

"You just told me all the brothers were dead!" the Father Abbot growled his voice growing agitated. His aged but strong face was narrow, his brows were high on his head and his eyes were focused and piercing. He wore the layers of red and white robes that befit his station with the red star of Astikar emblazoned on every surface.

"All the brothers are dead. The fool Gersius is not a brother as far as I am concerned."

"Your concerns are not part of this conversation. I asked you to find Gersius and the host he leads," the Father Abbot said slamming his fists on the desk. "Our situation in the war in tenuous. We cannot allow a variable like Gersius and any men he leads to go uncounted for." He accentuated his point by pointing a long finger right at the armored man.

"You were the one who allowed him to take them. There were those who objected to his fool's errand."

"You watch your tongue brother Dellain," the Father Abbot said leaning over the desk. "I allow you freedom of mannerisms because I value your ability to get the job done. But do not think I will tolerate you throwing daggers at me," he said looming over the man. "Gersius evoked his right as a knight captain to demand men, I could not deny him." He took a moment to study Dellain's face and straighened back up behind his desk. He stood tall with his head thrown back and looking down his nose at the man. "Gersius is one of the greatest of the battle priests, his victories are legend. If he still lives then there is still hope."

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