Dawn Settles

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I waited, a day and a few hours later, my father arrived home.

i heard a knock on my door, “come in” i said.

It was my father and he walked inside the room closing the door behind himself.

“Y/n….I want to have a talk…” He said.

I stood and faced him, "yeah, I was hoping we could talk aswell.", I exclaimed. He walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug, "I am glad you made it back alright.. I went out without saying goodbye or telling you where I was going, I am sorry, but after what Hol' Horse said, I cannot let him stay alive, I did it to protect you, but if you're mad, then I'm sorry again and I understand.", He said, “But i guess…I could spare one of them..for saving you” he said.

"it was Kakyoin, was it? You said he was your friend and protected you from reckless enemy attacks despite knowing who you are? Which seems unlikely, he didn't seem all that into being an evil monster, but if he's your friend, then maybe I won't hurt him.", My father stated, "as long as he is just a friend. I'm not sure I trust boys your age, I was one once and I did terrible things.", he continued.

“Y-yes sir” I stated slightly happy he complied.

I would hug him tightly.

"and if I don't succeed, then I'll apologize now.", He stated before letting go, "it's a nice day out, it will be good for you to go out for a bit.".

“Alright!” I said.

It was nighttime though and relatively cold outside, but I'll take him up on his rapid accusations.

Be spoke again, "do you still have that journal? I don't need it, I just want to make sure you didn't lose all your assets.", He asked.

"..uh, no, actually, i-it got left in the Hospital I was held in before escaping.", I lied.

I would also add, “alessie destroyed it when he tried to kill me…”.

Anubis sat on my dresser, would confirm that and I felt slightly thankful he did.

"well, I'm glad Anubis made it out alive, a loyal subject he is.", Stated my father before he exited the room.

It was the day before my father will fight the others I was stressed out thinking what to do. I was pacing around while pet shop perched on my shoulder.

"they're out of time, they'll arrive this evening if ever at all.", I stated, Pet Shop scratched his wing with his beak and posed no expression towards my statement.

“What should I do if my father breaks his promise” I stated but pet shop just leaned on the side of my head in attempt to calm me down.

"I control not my father nor Jotaro, I must find him.", I stated sternly.

I must leave soon i have no time.

It's day out, my father is inside, I pace in the garden, I can leave without interruption, "find them, please.", I requested quietly, Pet Shop flew from my shoulders to the skies.

I left then.

They're probably looking someone in a neighborhood if I gave it my best guess.

Avdol knows the area I think, they're bound to have a map, I just have to hurry, I have an hour before sunset.

I would be moving quickly from the top of the building trying to get to the area.

In the main city portion, I saw nothing, no commotion and I couldn't hear them anywhere.

But that's not where I wanted to be, I wanted to be in the outskirts, maybe the docks by the river.

I went there as fast as I could, I made it in under 15 minutes, the sun was setting faster than anticipated, but I estimated I still had around 20 minutes.

but then suddenly I saw mr joestar and the others jumping out from the side of a building to get away from my father. I noticed Iggy and mr.Avdol werent there.

I didn't see Polnareff either, they must have split up, it was a bad idea.

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