Olympus Falls

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GZ: *Hey (Y/N) get up*


GZ: *C'mon wake up!*


GZ: *You're going to get no where on an empty stomach! We are going to the Familiar Forest today! Danger lurks every corner and I can't use most of my power to help you.*


GZ: *Fine! I'll do this myself.* 

GZ takes control of your body and pushes you up. 

GZ: *Come to think of it. I could get used to this.* 

He gets up from the couch and sees Cindy laying down on the other one. He kneels down and takes a whiff of her. 

GZ: *Incase you get lost in there. You can thank me later (Y/N).*

Cindy turns around and GZ fixes her blankets. He continues to walk out of the building and heads for the cafeteria. 

GZ: Well if this school does care for the students then they wouldn't mine us helping ourselves. 

He starts rummaging through the refrigerators tossing different ingredients in a pan.

GZ: Now how did that Ramsey guy do all of it. We don't have time to cook all of this regularly so

He turns on a nearby radio. 

GZ: Oh I love this song! You say either and I say either, You say neither and I say neither Either, either Neither, neither-

Sona: What are you doing (Y/N)? 

GZ: Uh nothing. Making a snack.

Sona: You sound different today.

GZ: Well in the morning my voice is like this since I've been sleeping on a couch. I sleep with my vocal cords on an edge or something. 

Sona: Sit down. I'll make something for you.

GZ: Uh okay.

GZ sits down while Sona cooks. 

GZ: *Hmm maybe he should sleep more often.*

GZ bites into a piece of food. 

GZ: *Oh. Hopefully he doesn't wake up and I could just force feed it down.*

(Y/N): *GZ what's going on. Where are we?*

GZ: *Eat it!*

(Y/N): *Huh?*

GZ: *Sona made this eat it!*

(Y/N): *What are we doing here!*

GZ: *You need food if we are going to survive the Familiar Forest!*

(Y/N): *Why didn't you wake me!*

GZ: *I tried!*

(Y/N): *Why are we yelling!*

GZ: *I don't know!*

Sona: You look like you're having an existential crisis.

(Y/N): Huh oh no it's just so good hehe.

Sona: You're going to the Familiar Forest tonight huh.

(Y/N): That's the plan.

Sona: Looks like your voice is going back to normal.

GZ: *Roll with it.*

(Y/N): Yeah. 

Sona: Can I ask you a question?

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