Return of a Rival

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(Y/N): Tyler!!!!

Tyler: (Y/N)!!!!

Earlier the same day. It's been 5 years since your last battle with Kong. You spent a few hours each day searching for them but eventually you called it quits and stayed home helping take care of your newborn daughter. With the help of Sirzechs and Azazel the titans were able to return to their original environments both in the over world and the underworld. As time went on the relationship between the titans and the inhabitants of the underworld strengthen. Despite living in the cave the first 2 years of Zoey's life eventually you find another place to move too.

 Despite living in the cave the first 2 years of Zoey's life eventually you find another place to move too

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You patrol each titan location checking up on all of them at the start of each week. When you're not out on patrol you're at home playing with Zoey. Her eyes are blue and her hair comes in red like Cindy's. Every night she would sleep right between you and Cindy. You'd hold them closely sometimes wrapping your tail around them. At the age of 5 she got her own room but still snuck into yours every now and then. Despite being so young and small she is fearless. Sometimes she climbs on walls and on the ceiling and jumps down scaring people. When she was 5 she was able to tap into some of Mothra's energy and learned to sprout wings on her back. Cindy taught her how to fly while you waited on the ground catching her when she would fall. 

As for the Quintuplets they graduated and found jobs of their own. Nino works at a bakery and sometimes brings treats for everyone. She went from helping to actually running the bakery and eventually asks you for help to start her own business. Itsuki found a job helping take care of little children in preschool and Kindergarten. Ichika went on to act in movies. Miku helps Ilulu in a little shop where she started working and Yotsuba found a passion for photography while taking thousands of pictures of Zoey growing up. 

As for Rias and her peerage they actually worked with Zeoticus and constructed a house right across yours. Their first night there a fence "Magically" appeared and wrapped around your entire property. In spite of the numerous accusations of you putting it there you argue that as Zoey grows up she'll want to play outside and with the fence she won't run onto the street. 

As you lay sleeping with Cindy one night she wakes you up.

Cindy: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hmm?

Cindy: You're humping me again.

(Y/N): What? Oh sorry. 

You back off a bit but then she pushes her butt against you. 

Cindy: I didn't say stop. You know it has been a while since we've had any fun. I told you Zoey was going to be a handful. 

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