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When I went into the bathroom there was trainers on the side. I picked them up and there was a note underneath them. I put the shoes on and looked at the note.

Come down to the pool. The one we swam in together and a surprise awaits you. Soon enough we will be together.

Love you xx.

I got confused. Why the pool. But I left and went down to the pool. I walked along the corridor trying to work it out then when I finally worked it out I pushed the door open. Someone was stood in there turned around. A female.


Then they slowly turned around and it was Owen. "OWEN!" I said running towards her and hugging her. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Max booked me a flight and told me the plan up to where I come in and then after that no clue. Oh and I have this note for you" she said. She handed me the note.

I brought your best freind along so you don't have to do this completely alone. The next place I want you to go is to the reception and what awaits for you is in the chair. The exact chair you sat in. See you soon my love.

Love you xx.

How many notes are there? I looked at Owen and headed straight for the door. I heard her following after me. "Where to?" She asked.

"The reception!" I said. I started walking faster. And then I stopped. Where was the reception again? "Why did we stop?"

"I'm trying to work out how to get to the reception again" I said. When I finally worked it out we were walking again.

"You know you need to warn me before you go walking off!" Owen said trying to catch up to me. This made me laugh because she was trying really hard to catch up to me. When we finally got to the reception I was trying to look for the chair I sat in. I looked at it and just so happens that someone was sat in it. They had a baseball cap on so I couldn't see there face. Not this again.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked Owen. She looked at me and then started thinking. Before she then put her hand in then down then started thinking again. She did that a few times.

"Maybe it's a messenger?" She said. I shrugged my shoulder and walked over to them. "Yo who you?" Owen said trying to act cool.

"Owen, sorry about her. So ummm I got a note saying to come here?" I said. Then the person looked up. It was Brad! "BRAD!" I shouted. He stood up and I hugged him.

"You know I got given this note and got told to give it to you but I don't know who the guy was that gave it to me" he said. I'm sorry he didn't know who gave it to him. I took the note and read it.

So you found my third note. Well the next place is somewhere you have never been before. A taxi will arrive for you shortly get in it and you will be at your destination soon. We will be together soon my love.

Love you xx.

So I knew from that note it was Max. But how didn't Brad know who he was I mean he has met him before. Me and Owen sat down on chairs next to Brad waiting for the taxi to come. Then someone came over to us in a suit. "Hello are you Charlotte?" The man said.

"Yes I would be why may I ask?" I said.

"Oh your taxi is here for you!" He told me. Me, Owen and Brad all got up from our chairs and followed this guy to a black car. We hopped in the back and sat there confused.

"Where do you think we are going?" Brad said getting excited. I'm not going to lie he got so excited that he was jumping up and down in his seat clapping his hands. A bit weird.

"I don't know calm down your going to elbow me in a minute and I value my neat hair!" Owen said. I was luckily sat next to Owen and not Brad so I didn't get elbowed.

"All you care about is your hair!" Brad said.

"Well look at yours it's weird"

"It's better then yours!"

"Nah mine is better!" Owen said.

"Shhhh you two!" I said. They were starting to annoy me arguing like little kids. I mean they weren't at school anymore. They both instantly shut up. The car then pulled to a stop. We all got out and there was this lovely house with a balloon tied to the door handle. I walked up the door and there was a note inside the balloon.


I popped the balloon and grabbed the note.

So welcome to our new home. Don't worry all the clothes and everything are in here I moved them in after you left. This house is fully furbished with enough rooms for your freinds. And here's good news which I probably should of said before your freinds are moving in with us. Knock on the door and we will be reunited.

Love you xx.

Reading this note gave me butterflies. I knew that my future husband was waiting at the other side of this door for me to knock. I turned to Owen and Brad as they stood there waiting for me to knock. I lifted my hand up and went to knock but paused. One question worked its way around my brain. Was I ready? "What's wrong?" Owen asked as I brought my arm down to my side. Good question. What was wrong? This was all I ever wanted. Why did I hesitate so much because my future was on the other side of this door. My heart started to race. I lifted my arm up again but this time I actually knocked on the door. When the door opened Max was stood there with a smile on his face. Mine was still. Owen and Brad walked in the house while I just stood there. Still.

"Charlotte?" Max said lifting my head up to look at him,"is everything OK?"

"I don't know..." I said. Max grabbed my hand and brought them up to his lips. He kissed them and looked at me. "Why did you spare me?" I asked. Max went blank he dropped my hands and his face looked shocked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You were ordered to kill me so... why did you save me?" I asked again.

"Because I had a crush on you and I knew that I wouldn't be able to kill you. Especially when I saw you had powers because its hard finding decent people with powers you know?" He said. This made me smile. Max grabbed my hand and we walked into the luxurious house together. This was our future. But I then noticed we had no neighbours why? "Oh I have a surprise for you in the garden!" Max said. He pulled me to these sliding doors and opened them. The garden was a massive feild!

"Why is it so big?" I asked.

"So you can let your wings go!" He said.

"But what about Owen and Brad?"

"I told them so you didn't have to worry. I mean at first they didn't believe me until I turned into a dragon just to prove it!" He laughed. This made me laugh too. I walked out into the garden and let my wings out. I turned around because I felt a hand on my wing. I saw Max running his hand through my wing. "I love your wings there so gorgeous!" He said to me. I smiled and then went up to the sky's. It was wonderful feeling the wind in my wings and flying through the air. I felt free. When I was in the air I noticed a slight breeze as something flew past me. I stopped in the air to see what it was and saw Max in dragon form flying in the air. We flew together like we were in perfect harmony without noticing Owen and Brad stood there on the ground. It was wonderful. When I looked down I noticed Brad and Owen stood there watching us in the air. I flew down at the ground and landed infront of them.

"I wish I could fly" Owen said. She looked at my wings in amazement.

"How did you get wings Charlotte and how did you learn how to control them?" Brad asked.

"I was born with them and it just came naturally" I said. Soon after I took to the sky's again.

In love with a dragonWhere stories live. Discover now