The company

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We were sat in that taxi for a long time when we suddenly came across a building. It was like a school with the many floors. "Were here!" The driver says putting the car to a stop. Me and Max both get out the car and he leans in the drivers window talking to the driver.

We walked in and it was massive but it did remind me of what a school should look like. Max pulls the hood to my hoodie over my head and holds onto me tight. We walk over to the reception. "Where's Karen?" Max asked.

"She's in her office why?" The lady said.

"None of your business" he snapped back. I'm not going to lie my heart skipped a beat when he snapped back. I felt safe. Protected. I was starting to like this kid he made me feel the butterflies. We walked up the stairs to the third floor and then headed to this door with a big bold name saying Karen on it. "Karen!" Max shouts as he knocks on the door.

"Come in" a voice calls back. He pushes the door open and urges me in. "What can I do for you today Max?" The voice says again.

"Karen this is Charlotte and I think she will do good for the company!" He said pulling my hood down. There was a woman sat in a black leather chair with a pony tail. Her hair was blonde and really long.

"What's her power?" Karen asks.


"She has wings?" She asks.

"Yeah beautiful pearl white ones and they are so fluffy I mean I would happily cuddle up to them late at night" he says. I look at him in confusion and I see his face bright red and he has a wide smile on his face. Karen starts flipping bits of paper everywhere.

"Oh," She says pinning her finger on one document, "Max we actually have no space for anyone unless people start sharing!"

"She can share with me!" He says standing forward and placing his hands on her desk. I was shocked that he had just said that but I wasn't too surprised considering he is constantly hitting on me.

"Charlotte do you want to?" Karen says looking at me. I don't know what to say to this because yeah it would be nice to be with someone I know and can talk to but would it be awkward? I mean we would be sharing a room.

"Ummm yeah?" I say with confusion. Karen starts writing something down on a bit of paper and then gives Max a pen. Max starts writing down and then turns to me giving me the pen. "Why do I need a pen?"

"You need to sign agreeing to all the terms and conditions about sharing a room" he says. I walk forward and place pen to paper as Max points out all the spots I need to sign. I placed the pen on the table and Max urged me out the room. He took me to the ground floor and went back to reception. "Can you give her a lanyard so she can get into my room?" He says to the lady sitting down behind the desk.

"Why your room?" She asks.

"Because me and her are bunking up"

"You know people aren't allowed to date right?"

"Yes yes I do" he says going bright red. The lady at the counter rolls her eyes and hands over a lanyard with a key card in it. We walked away and headed to a elevator which only had one button. Down.

When we were in his room there was a double bed against the wall. It had blue sheets on and on the wall above it there was a picture of two people. "Max who are they?" I asked. Max started moving things around and tidying his room.

"Oh those are my parents" he replied. He went through a door to a bathroom and he came out with a bag full of empty bottles. "Hehe sorry" he says looking embarrassed. I walk over to the bed and sit down. It was really soft I'm not going to lie. "Are you good there making yourself at home?"

"Yep" I say laying down. He smiles and looks at me. I sat up and took my trainers off. I placed them on the floor beside the bed and sat there holding my knees close to my chest. This was where I was living now and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Max comes and sits beside me and takes off his shoes. I then feel his arms wrap around me and he picked me up placing me on his lap.

"It gets easier trust me I would know. Don't worry if you ever need anything I'm here" he says. I look up at him and he looks down at me. I wrap my arms around him and place my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you" I say placing my arms behind his neck. He smiles and goes bright red. We start to lean in closer and closer. Then a knock on the door. I get off of Max as he rushes to the door. He opened it and there was a tall teenage boy stood outside.

"Hey Max I heard there's a new chic wanna try and find her?" He asked.

"Ummmm I already have and I already know where she is Tommy" Max replies looking back at me. He smiles then looks back at Tommy.

"Where is she I wanna check her out and find out her power?" He asks. Max opens the door so Tommy can see me sitting on the bed. His jaw drops and he walks slowly in the room. Max closes the door behind him and watches as Tommy takes steps closer to me. "Wow" he said admiring me. Why did he admire my presence so much. I wasn't that exciting was I?

"Hi?" I say concerned on why he was staring at me.

"Hey im Tommy what's your power?" He asks.

"I have wings"

"Oh nice have you found out what Max's power is because his power is the best?"

"Yes he's a dragon" I say. I look at Max and he rolls his eyes. He walks over and sits on the bed next to me. He places his hand behind me holding himself up. "Can I ask what your power is?"

"No don't you dare!" Max says pointing at Tommy.

"What?" Tommy replies.

"I know what you are going to do and I don't fancy that incident again!"

"Ugh fine." Tommy says to Max, "my power is fire so I can set things on fire or put myself on fire but I can survive fire without being killed aswell!" This shocks me and then I look towards Max as he shows a sign of relief. Tommy then leaves the room and Max looks at me. His eyes sparkled he moved his hand placing my hair behind my ear. He sits up and climbs under the cover of the bed. I do the same because my feet are freezing. He leans over to the table next to him and grabs a controller. He turns the TV on and gives me the controller. I put on the news because I wanted to see what was going on in the world to put my mind off things. I give Max the controller and he places it back on the table. I feel him move closer to me and place his arm behind my back. I look at him focused on the television.

"Max?" I say. He instantly looks at me and smiles. I smiled too. "Will I still be allowed to go to school?"

"Yes as soon as you left Karen's office then she would have called the school explaining the situation" he explains.

"Oh good because I still want to get grades" I say. He laughs and goes bright red. I smile at him as starts to lean in again. I was scared that someone would interrupt again when his lips touched mine. He was kissing me and I wasn't kissing back.


I started kissing him back. I'm not going to lie I was enjoying it and I didn't want to stop but of course we did. We stared at eachother for a little while when I heard I was on the news. I looked at the screen and I saw a picture of me. But then the news went to another article. I wanted to know what the article was so I looked on my phone...

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