Charlotte's Dad?

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I was sat along the beach watching the waves and listening to giggles behind me. It was nice. I turn around and see Max behind me walking over. He sits down and watches the waves with me. "CHARLOTTE IS THAT YOU?" I hear a voice shout from behind. I turn around and see a guy walking towards me. I get to my feet.


"Charlotte you don't know how long I have waited to see you!" This guy says.

"Sorry I don't know who you are?" I say. The guy smiles and a tear rolls down his cheek. A small girl came running at him.

"Daddy!" She said. He turned around and picked her up swinging her around. He looked at me with her in his arm.

"Charlotte I never thought I would see you again!" He says to me.

"Daddy who is this?" The little girl says. He puts her down and whispers something in her ear. She then runs off to a woman laying on a blanket.

"Excuse me sir Charlotte doesn't know who you are so can you please leave her alone!" Max says stepping one foot infront of me.

"Charlotte I'm your dad..." he says.


"But my dad is in prison?" I said. This surely can't be him can it? No it can't be can it?

"Charlotte that night they told you and your mother I was in prison. But they gave me the option flee the country or go to prison. I chose to flee and I came here. I met a lovely girl and had kids with her" he explains. A tear rolls down my eye and Max looks at me. I run towards my dad and hug him.

"I missed you!" I said.

Tears filled my eyes and my dad whispered in my ear,"everything is going to be OK now!" I pull away and stood next to Max grabbing his hand.

"She had me killed!" I said looking down at the floor.

"SHE WHAT!!!" He shouted. I looked up and saw his eyes filling with rage. "How?"

"He ordered Max to kill me but he spared me and we fell in love..." I say. A smile goes across my face as I look up at Max. I look at my dad and see him angry with a clenched fist in his hand.


"Well Max its nice to meet you and I'm glad you spared my daughter but I want answers about that... Charlotte why did she have you killed?" My dad said.

"Because she didn't like my... my..."

"Charlotte what is it?" My dad says getting on his knees looking up at me.

"...wings..." I stuttered. He looked shocked but smiled at the same time. I was a bit nervous about the fact my dad now knew.

"Can I see them?" He asked.

"Not in public!" I demanded.

"Well where can I see them?"

"Come to our house..." I said. A smile went across his face. He nodded and Max gave him the address. He walked over to his family and me and Max walked home.

We played hide and seek tag around the house and I was it. "1 2 3 4 5... ready or not here I come!" I shouted throughout the house. I get up off the sofa and look around. There was white foot prints on the floor.


I followed them. They went through the kitchen and up the stairs and in my bedroom. They stopped outside the bathroom door in my room and I stood there for a moment thinking about who could be on the other side. Then I heard a little giggle coming from the wardrobe. It sounded like Owen? I looked at the wardrobe and saw part of the door open so I walked over. "Owen?" I said opening it. Owen was sat in the wardrobe cross legged watching something on her phone. "Owen your meant to run?" I questioned.

"Shhhhh!" She said back.


"Shhhh!" She said placing a finger on my lip before I can say anymore. She was so typical I tell you that. "I need you to be quiet because I am trying to read a news article!"

"What news articlem?" I asked.

"It's about you!" She said showing me the phone. It was my mum saying that I was still alive but I had been kidnapped?


Some time ago we all heard the story about Charlotte the girl that died. But now we have a new story about our dear Charlotte we heard so little about. We have spoken to her mum and we have been told that Charlotte is still alive. Considering her life the police are taking it as a kidnapping and there is now a lookout for a girl called Charlotte.

"I CANT BELIVE HER!" I shouted. I grabbed her phone and went to go find Max. "Max I got a issue I need to talk where are you?" Before I knew it he hug attacked me and kissed my cheek. I held Owens phone in my hand. Max looked down at it and let me go. Soon enough Owen appeared out of breath.

"Girl you run... so fast... I can't... keep up..." she breathed heavily. I laughed and gave her back her phone. A knock on the door startled us all. Max walked to the door and opened it.

"Ummmm Charlotte?" He sounded concerned. I went to the door to see not only my dad stood there but his new family.

"Oh hi dad ummm come in?" I said. Max moved out the way and let them all in.

We were all sitting down on the sofa having normal conversation. Before I then see Brad show up. "Ummm no one found me?" He said scratching his head.

"Oh yeah sorry something came up and then another thing and now this" I said. My dad then showed me a look of confusion but I just ignored it.

"So Charlotte am I allowed to see your wings?" My dad asked.

"Yes come into the garden" I said. Everyone went into the garden and stood by the door. I walked out to the center of the garden and thought of everything that annoyed me and soon enough my wings came out.

"Wow there beautiful!" My dad said shocked.

I started to move my wings and then I was in the air. I felt free. Like I belonged and nothing bothered me. When I looked around I saw a dragon beside me.


I came to the ground and everyone was gone. I looked up and there was nothing in sight. What? That's when I noticed me flying was all a dream...

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