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ROSALIE WASN'T sure why she'd been thinking about Henry all of a sudden. She'd picked up her things from Pennelope's, and everything that she'd left at Alex's place. Alex had tried to convince Rosalie to have a late lunch with her, but Rosalie didn't give in. She didn't intend to spend more time than necessary with Alex, especially since she'd found it taxing to be around her.

As Rosalie stood in front of Beth's house, her mind replayed what had transpired the last time that she'd been there. Her stomach did flips, as a smile spread across her lips. She'd tried her best not to think about Beth, especially since she knew that it was a bad idea. There were a lot of rabbit holes to fall down, and it seemed as though pursuing Beth was one. As much as she'd enjoyed the kissing, Rosalie held no deep feelings for Beth, which was a good thing. She'd spend numerous sleepless nights thinking about all the reasons why what they did was wrong. And she'd think the same thing over and over again, trying to convince herself of the cons instead of the pros.

Rosalie had always been stubborn. And she hadn't told her mother everything just yet. If Kaitlyn knew about Rosalie being in contact with Zoe, the woman would flip. Kaitlyn had always loved Zoe, and talked about her to that very day. And if she found out about the strange feelings that Rosalie had been having for Beth, she'd have dragged Rosalie to Beth's house herself, for sure.

When Rosalie pressed the doorbell, she also closed her eyes. Her heart's pace sped, and her chest tensed. The door opened, and Beth's eyes met hers instantly. She was wearing only a robe, since she'd just gotten out of the shower, "Rosalie, I wasn't expecting a visit."

Rosalie stepped inside, and Beth closed the door. Beth hadn't seen, or heard from Rosalie since Henry's birthday party. And she'd grown worried that she'd scared Rosalie off, "is Henry home?" Rosalie asked.

That's what she came for? Beth crossed her arms over her chest, and shook her head. It hurt that Rosalie didn't care that much for her feelings, "no, he's at Michelle's."

Rosalie smiled and placed her hand on Beth's waist. Even though her intentions were to see Henry, they'd changed when she saw Beth, "we finalised the breakup. I'm single," Rosalie brushed a strand of Beth's hair behind her ear, and kissed the tip of her chin. She didn't expect Beth to pull away from her, and look at her with painful eyes.

"So where have you been all this time? You can't just show up, and think I'll fall into your arms," Beth went through her fair share of disappointments in the past, but she'd been extremely uneasy about what happened with Rosalie. Rosalie would have been Henry's step mother—her ex-wife's future wife. And just because they'd broken up didn't mean that there weren't complications. What would Henry say? She didn't care what Alex had to say, but she cared for her son and his feelings.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come," Rosalie reached for the door, but Beth placed her hand on Rosalie's shoulder.

"I'm just not sure we can be something given all the history you have with Alex."

Rosalie had the same doubts and fears. But as much as she'd tried to stick to the cons, the one pro that triumphed everything was that she was developing feelings for Beth—feelings that she wished she wouldn't. Rosalie turned to indulge in those brown eyes. Beth's hair was up in a messy bun, and the robe was wrapped loosely around her body. Rosalie hated temptation. She'd never been able to not indulge, but she couldn't. Not in that situation. Not in that moment. She couldn't let her desire tamper with the strings of both of their hearts, "I understand. Tell Henry that I'll text him tomorrow. Can I take him somewhere on Saturday?"

"Where?" The heat of Beth's breath soothed Rosalie's facial features. She'd suddenly become relaxed, but the twitching in her pants was escalating. She needed to leave. And soon.

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