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KAITLYN SIGHED loudly, as she finally got Abbi to sleep. Abbi wouldn't close her eyes until she saw her mommies' faces, and apparently, Kaitlyn didn't know how to recite her favorite bedtime story. Who knew little red riding hood would get Kaitlyn in so much trouble?

When her daughters finally made it back to the cabin, hand in hand, with smiles upon their faces, Kaitlyn grinned widely, "don't tell me you finished her off in the car, honey?" Kaitlyn teased.

Both of their eyes widened, as they entered the kitchen, "Mum!" Rosalie glared at her mother, "I finished her off in the shower," Rosalie grinned too. She was too happy to scold her mother. And the blush on Beth's face was worth it.

"I see," Kaitlyn grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, "how was your date then?" Kaitlyn asked.

Rosalie shrugged and winked at her wife. Beth scoffed and went to check on Abbi. The cabin was so full that each family had to stay in one room, except for Kaitlyn, who slept on her own blow-up mattress. Michelle and Barbara came out of their room, with sleep in their eyes, and headed into the kitchen too.

"It was good. We had pizza and talked. Much nicer than having spaghetti thrown in my hair for dinner," Rosalie said. Michelle and Kaitlyn giggled. Abbi had made a mess with spaghetti once, where Rosalie had even found some in her underwear.

"That was a fun day," Michelle said, laughing loudly, and slapped her thigh, "I love that kid."

Rosalie pursed her lips, and ignored Michelle's laughter. She looked at her mother and smiled, "Mum, I think we're moving from Milan."

Kaitlyn turned with a surprised look on her face, "oh?" Biting down on her bottom lip, she took a seat to listen to what her daughter had to say.

"I might've bought a place right here," Rosalie said.

Kaitlyn became confused, "why are you buying a second place here?"

"Maybe because she's loaded?" Michelle intervened. Barbara smacked her daughter's arm for her to shut up. Michelle never knew when to mind her own business.

"It's Beth's childhood home. I couldn't not buy it when I saw it up for sale," Rosalie explained.

"Awww," both Barbara and Michelle cooed. Kaitlyn nodded in understanding with a smile on her face.

"You sure it's a good idea? I mean I love this little town, but you're accustomed to the city life," Kaitlyn said.

Rosalie shrugged, "once I have my family with me, I'll be okay."

"Awww, that's so sweet," Michelle said, not realizing that Rosalie wasn't referring to her.

"I meant my wife and daughter, Michelle," Rosalie laughed.

Michelle's smile turned into a frown. She shrugged and left the kitchen. Barbara said, "I think it's a great idea, Rosalie. You'll be closer to all of us. I never liked it when you moved to Milan," Rosalie smiled, as Barbara left the kitchen too, but didn't expect to see Nico rushing in with only his t-shirt on. Kaitlyn covered her daughter's eyes with a chuckle.

"Nico, come here," Margaret rushed in, as he ran towards Kaitlyn, and hid behind her.

"Mommy, no bedtime. I wanna stay up too."

Rosalie giggled, as she smacked her mother's hand away, and looked at Nico run into the pantry.

"Don't make me—"

"Don't yell at him, Margaret," Zoe said, as she walked in, and headed over to her son. He didn't run away, and she picked him up into her arms, "you're getting so heavy."

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