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Five months later...

ABBI'S REQUEST didn't go unfulfilled. All three of them were excited to see Henry for Christmas. After a long plane ride, and a hassle at baggage claim, they made their way through the streets of California in a taxi.

As the taxi pulled onto the curb, Henry stood in front of the house with his hands stuffed inside of his jean's pockets, "Henry!" Abbi squealed, as she jumped out, and ran over to him. Picking up his little sister, Henry spun her around till her tummy tingled.

"Henry, she's going to puke all over you!" Beth yelled. His eyes widened, and he immediately placed her onto her feet. Frowning, Abbi kicked the dirt in front of her.

"Mom, you got older," he pulled Beth into a hug, but not without a huge frown on her face.

"That's such a nice thing to say to your aging mother," Beth pushed him back, "help with the bags, would you?"

Rosalie pulled Henry in. She noticed the blonde highlights in his brunette hair, and wanted to laugh. But her conscience wouldn't allow her to, "missed you, kid. How's the girlfriend?" Rosalie whispered the last part quietly. Henry didn't want Beth to know, but Rosalie had already spilled the beans the second he'd told her. Though, she could still pretend that she didn't.

"I'll tell you later," he grabbed the suitcases from the trunk of the taxi, and carried them inside of the house.

"Mommy, can we go to the beach? I wanna make a prince castle!"

Or a princess castle, sweetie. Rosalie nodded and picked up her little girl, "I'll even spin you around for a bit, just don't tell your mama."

Beth yelled, "I'm aging, not deaf. If you're going to do that, prepare to be puked on," Beth nudged her wife's shoulder in passing, as they headed into the house. Rosalie stuck her tongue out, and Abbi did the same. They both giggled, as they earned a glare from Beth.

"I can't even be the fun mom," Rosalie snickered, as Abbi poked her face with her little fingers, "who do you love more, me or mama?" Rosalie asked. Abbi's eyes widened, as she looked up into the sky, pretending that she didn't hear a thing.

"Don't make her choose. That's bad parenting," Beth said. She's too hard on herself.

Rosalie sighed, "I'm sorry, Abbi. Just know that we both love you very, very much," Rosalie mumbled. I wish you'd love me more than her. Abbi pulled on Rosalie's scarf and nodded. She didn't love one of them more than the other. But to Rosalie, she seemed to be the least favorite.

"Mama, are we gonna see Aunty Zoe in New York too? You promised."

Beth answered, "for the Summer, we're here to see Henry now," Abbi pouted, "maybe Easter?" Beth gave in. She disliked disappointing her daughter. They entered the living room, and plopped onto a couch.

"Beth, we're spending Easter with mum. Remember she wants us to take a trip to see my grandparents," Rosalie said.

"Oh, right."

Abbi shuffled in her seat. Rosalie leaned back, and closed her eyes for a few seconds. Motherhood was sometimes harder than her frail heart could manage. Rosalie told her daughter, "we'll facetime them later, okay? And I promise we'll go see them for the Summer."

"Soon, I'll be out of work with all these vacations we're taking," Beth chuckled, as she took off her coat.

"Aren't you the boss or something? I thought you vacation for the most part of your job?" Rosalie asked teasingly.

"You know I've stopped travelling as much, since Abbi started Preschool," Beth said.

"I know. We both have," Rosalie looked at her daughter and smiled, "and I don't regret it one bit."

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