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If there was one thing that remained constant throughout your high school experience so far, it was the incessant rumors about everyone and anyone that spread almost as quickly as chlamydia had when there was an outbreak among last year's senior class. You would think that people would get tired of meaningless gossip, especially when 99% of the time, it was all bullshit. However, it seemed like students foamed at the mouth when they heard just about any new piece of information about their peers.

"I'm telling you, Maria is hooking up with someone," you heard someone whisper.

"And why exactly do you think that?"

"She's my lab partner and usually, she's an absolute pain in the ass, but she's actually been quite... tolerable lately."

"Mr. Rollins, Mr. Sitwell, care to share what you find so funny with the rest of the class?" The teacher asked, interrupting the resident bullies, who were really just Brock Rumlow's minions.

"It's nothing, Mr. Heimdall," said Jasper as he nervously pushed his glasses back up. His friend, though, was having none of it.

"We were just talking about how Maria Hill is back with her ex," Jack said, meeting your glare with a smirk.

You weren't Maria's ex. You didn't even remember talking to her other than that one time you left Yelena and Natasha's house and you bumped into her as she was leaving. That didn't stop the entire from speculating about your supposed relationship, especially the last people you were apparently hooking up with were seen tonguing each other at a party.

"Alright, alright," said Mr. Heimdall, trying to regain control over the classroom full of chattering juniors. "This isn't a gossiping period. Go back to working on your Great Gatsby worksheets unless you want additional work to complete as homework."

A collective of groans was heard and the students quieted down, but you could still hear murmurs from those near you.

"I heard Maria is dating Romanoff though... You think Maria is cheating on her?"

"Ugh, I would never show my face again if my girlfriend was cheating on me with her ex."

"Guys, Jack is totally lying. I bet it's just some bullshit Rumlow fed him. I think she's actually hooking up with Nebula now."

"Nebula? Gamora's weird emo sister?"

"Well, maybe she has a type. Remember how Wanda used to be emo? And those two used to be close. I bet you they were hooking up before Wanda became a cheerleader."

"Damn. Imagine hooking up with Wanda Maximoff, then she becomes hot and dumps you for a nerd."

"He's rich though."

"Even worse. There's no way she's looking back your way then. I don't blame her for turning into a player and trying to seduce every single girl at school."

This time, you couldn't stop yourself from facing the group of snickering teenagers and flip them off. Of course, Mr. Heimdall chose this moment to pay attention to the class, catching you in the action. He sighed and gave you detention before asking you to stay after class.

"Couldn't you have until after school to do that?" he asked you once everyone filed out of the classroom after the bell signalled the end of the day. "Or at least when I'm not looking?"

You smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. Mr. Heimdall was your favorite teacher and he always had a soft spot for you. "It won't happen again," you promised.

"I'm holding it to you. Now, about that internship," he chuckled at the way your eyes immediately brightened. "I talked to my friend, and Frigga said that she was impressed by your portfolio and your resume. You have an interview scheduled in 2 weeks."

miss americana & the heartbreak princess (w. maximoff x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now