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a/n: alright backstory over! so this follows part 1. there's some fluff in the first half, but ummm... well, there's a reason this is tagged as angsty lol.


Friday couldn't have come slower. Although Wanda had briefly spent some time with you a few days ago, it still felt like it had been ages since you last got to see her. The anticipation of finally revealing your surprise wasn't helping either.

Ever since she kissed you in the hallway, you managed to arrange secret dates here and there. Although it was hard to sneak around, you appreciated every single moment you had together, you came to especially enjoy Fridays since they had now been reserved for your date nights. This arrangement proved a bit more difficult for Wanda who had started to garner attention from the cheerleaders asking her why she had skipped the last two parties. Still, she reiterated that this was nothing you needed to worry about, which was an easy task for you since your mind had been preoccupied with the events of this specific date night for the past few weeks.

Your dates usually started off by meeting up at Hudson Diner before either taking the bus or having Wanda drive (whenever it was her week with the car she shared with Pietro) to the outskirts of town to your actual destination. Tonight, though, you'd suggested staying at the diner and Wanda didn't mind. The only thing that mattered was that she got to steal your jacket at the end of the night because she was cold and didn't bring her own.

You inhaled shakily, staring at the diner clock's neon hands indicating that Wanda should arrive any minute now. Mentally, you checked off all the items on your list for the surprise. Balloons, teddy bear, your proposal sign and the fake turkey. You examined the sign one more time to make sure all the Friends references were correct. The purple sign was littered with doodles relating to the sitcom you had binge watched with Wanda during freshman year. There was the Central Perk logo next to some coffee mugs, the infamous coffeehouse couch, Phoebe's guitar, Ross' couch stuck in a staircase with a speech bubble saying "Pivot", the Knicks' logo along with Joey's signature line in another speech bubble, Monica's chef's hat, unagi, and of course, in the middle was the golden frame from Monica and Rachel's apartment.

"I can't believe you're gonna put that turkey on your head," said one of your coworkers as he entered the backroom, followed by your boss/neighbor, Ms. Davis.

"It's not like it's real." You shrugged, flicking the plush-like fez stitched to the top of the turkey.

"You're so whipped for your girlfriend," he cooed, bumping his shoulder to yours.

"Not my girlfriend, Ralph," you corrected, a bit disheartened. The other few employees that worked at the diner were the only people who were aware you and Wanda were seeing each other, having witnessed your little rendez-vous over the past month. Neither you or Wanda cared though; they were all either college students or middle-aged, and there was no way news of your... situationship would travel back to SHIELD just because they knew.

"Maybe not yet, but I see the way she looks at you. It's only a matter of time you two, what's it that the kids call it these days? Make it Facebook official?" said Ms. Davis.

Neither you nor your coworker had the heart to inform the older woman that teenagers didn't really use Facebook these days anymore, so you just smiled at your boss. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket, indicating that Wanda was either already here or arriving soon. You excused yourself from the backroom and headed back out to the dining area to find her.

It didn't take long for you to catch sight of long brown locks and emerald green eyes that lit up the moment they landed on you. "I see you've finally learned how to dress for the weather," you remarked teasingly, motioning to the yellow cardigan that looked so familiar.

miss americana & the heartbreak princess (w. maximoff x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now