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Wanda Maximoff had always captured your attention wherever you went.

When your parents first told you that a new family had moved down the street, you had been forced to accompany them to gift them a small housewarming basket filled with desserts you had helped your mom bake and a "Welcome to Westview" note. Being the somewhat shy 6-year-old that you were, you had a tight grip on your mom's pant leg, even when a boisterous Pietro raced down the stairs at the sound of newcomers and promptly invited you to help him build his newest Lego set. The only person who had gotten you to leave your mother's side was Wanda.

You had been watching her paint from the dining area of the open plan home. You had so desperately wanted to go join her, but you didn't know how to approach her. Unlike her brother and most kids you knew, Wanda was much quieter and reserved. She barely spared you a glance as she murmured, "Hi, i'm Wanda," and then she was off to her own little corner in the living room, working on some craft project. You would eventually learn that you misinterpreted her shyness as disinterest, but in that moment, you were certain that she didn't like you and wouldn't allow you to paint with her.

Imagine your shock when she suddenly looked up from her canvas and smiled gently at you, beckoning you over. One simple gesture got you to finally give up your spot on the floor next to your mother's chair and head on over to Wanda's little nook.

Noticing your presence, Pietro whined a bit over the fact that you'd agreed to play with Wanda and not him, but he got over it once Wanda told him he could join if he wanted. Little did he know, your presence would become a new constant in his life.

In the beginning, he wasn't sure he liked this change in dynamics. He had never had to share his sister with anyone and for those first 6 years of his life, she was his best friend and he was hers. When you came around, he was unsettled by the fact that Wanda would rather spend time with you instead of him. It bothered him so much that you and him would start to bicker about every little thing.

"But I wanted it," you whined and tried to grab the last of your favorite juice box flavor, but Pietro was faster and dodged your grabby hands.

"Too bad, so sad," he said in a singsong manner and took out the plastic straw to poke into the juice box.

"Fine," you replied bitterly and chose his favorite juice flavor, which was coincidentally the last one as well.

You both stared at one another, scowls on your faces. "This is really dumb," Wanda chimed in, annoyed that she had to hear yet another one of your arguments. "Neither of you even like the flavor you chose."

"He started it."

"Because you took my favorite character while playing Mario Kart earlier!"

"Not my fault you're too slow," you said, knowing that would tick him off. If there was one thing Pietro hated was losing a race, any race. He had to be the first one to get to the door whenever he and Wanda came home from school, he had to be first to make it up the stairs when it was bedtime, he had to be the first to sit down at his seat for dinner, etc. Being told that he was too slow was probably the worst insult he could ever receive.

"I won every round," he countered.

You continued to bicker and completely forgot about the peanut butter & jelly sandwiches your mom had made. What started out as an argument about juice boxes shifted to one about Pietro's speed. Then, he brought up the fact that you sucked at video games and you argued that the only games he was ever good at were racing games. You switched topics so many times that you didn't even know what had even started this little fight, but both of you were so heated that your parents had come in from the garden, hearing your voices getting louder and louder.

miss americana & the heartbreak princess (w. maximoff x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now