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Wanda fucked up to an astronomical level.

In hindsight, she should've known this was how things would go, what with her track record and her reluctance to be with you out in the open. It was just too good to be true that you forgave her when you didn't even really know why she was asking for your forgiveness anyways. You were too forgiving and she was too selfish to deny herself the pleasure to finally know what you tasted like. Now, your heart had been shattered in pieces and it was all her fault.

"I love you," Wanda whispered into her phone after hearing the end tone ringing in her ear, tears she had fought so hard to keep at bay now falling freely down her cheeks.

She roughly wiped her palm across her face, ridding herself of her tears. She had no right to cry over this, not when this was all her fault.

Even though she struggled to not reach out to you in the hallways whenever she heard people talk about you, you were the one who had to endure the incessant gossiping. You were the one who had to be okay with her pretending like you meant nothing to her at school. You were the one who had to watch her leave on your date right after you'd uttered "I love you" to each other for the first time as a... couple?

Had you been a couple? Wanda liked to think so. You never put a label on it, but in her mind, she had been yours ever since you agreed to paint with her in her little nook of the living room. She had been yours and you hers, but she had thrown it all away.

And for what? Popularity? To be accepted by the cheerleaders? To be liked by her peers? She had all of those yet had never felt worse than after you had ended things with her over the phone. Though, as much as Wanda told herself that you two were in a relationship, that wasn't entirely true. She wasn't really yours and you certainly weren't hers. Perhaps, had she been a bit braver, she wouldn't be in this predicament.

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Summer, freshman year.

"I'm just saying, I think it's suspicious that she and Carol are in California at exactly the same time," said Gamora.

"You realize that California is a huge state right?" Nakia prompted.

"Usually, I'd call this a reach, but I do think Gamora is onto something," Pepper retorted. "I saw on their stories that they both went to the same cafe a few days ago. They could definitely be a thing."

The rest of the cheerleaders giggled as they continued to paint their nails. Wanda was the only one who wasn't amused at hearing the girls gossip about your love life. She originally thought that being invited to Pepper's initiation sleepover would be fun, but she was starting to question how valid she was. Wanda kept her eyes glued on her own nails, only looking up when Pepper asked, "Actually, Maximoff, she's your friend right? So, what's the tea?"

"I uh... I'm not sure. I haven't really talked to her in a while," Wanda said, which wasn't totally a lie. Since you were busy visiting family, she hadn't gotten the chance to have a proper conversation with you. However, she was 99% sure that you were not dating Carol Danvers. She doubted you even saw Carol because you would've told her if you had.

"Uh oh, are you going through a falling out phase?" Laura asked.

"Wouldn't blame you if you did," Pepper said before Wanda got the chance to deny it. "I don't even get why you're friends with her. You two seem so different. Just like her and Carol. I bet you that they won't last to the beginning of the school year."

"And what if they do?" Sharon asked, barely paying attention to the conversation as she blew on her nails to get them to dry faster.

"Then, Danvers might as well say goodbye to her reputation. She's the captain of the basketball team. She can't be seen dating a nobody," Pepper explained, only directing a half-sincere, "no offence, Maximoff," and went back to her nails.

miss americana & the heartbreak princess (w. maximoff x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now