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**Warnings**: implied alcohol consumption, underage drinking, vomiting, use of the expression "social suicide", allusions to coming out
translation:pchelka (пчёлки): little bee


Finding a place to sit in the cafeteria was the last thing you thought you'd have to worry about going into sophomore year. You always sat with Wanda (and at first, Pietro too) in the same area, but now both of them were in the popular kids' corner and you were lost, probably looking absolutely pitiful just standing there in the middle of the cafeteria.

Sersi would surely welcome you at her table, but she was sitting alone with Dane. You already had to sit through club meetings with Dane making googly eyes at Sersi every time she so much as breathed in his direction. You did not need to subject yourself to that while eating lunch, and you were certainly not going to thirdwheel on your own volition.

You glanced over to the dancers' table. They were pretty friendly (well, you didn't know if Natasha was friendly; she was a bit more reserved than the rest), but they were also far too extroverted for your taste. You would not survive Shang-Chi, Monica and Katy suddenly breaking out into song while Thor and Sam jumped on the table to dance.

If you thought the dancers were too much, then the theater kids' table wasn't even part of your considerations. You could hear Kingo and Fandral reenact dramatic scenes from random plays even from the other side of the cafeteria. You would only survive if Loki, the calmer one of the group, was present, but he chose to sit with the emo kids today. And other than Loki and Druig, the emo kids scared you too much. You never knew if they were just being broody at the world or if they disliked your presence.

One of your last options was the brainiacs' corner, but your sole connection to them, Darcy Lewis (your biology lab partner last year) had decided to spend her lunch with her stoner friends instead and they weren't your preferred group to hang out with. As attractive as Valkyrie was and as funny as Luis was, you had to sit next to Peter Quill for most of your classes last year and you couldn't handle spending one more second around him. You were positive that if he asked you another bizarre "would you rather" question ("Would you rather date someone who's half fish from their waist up, or half fish from the waist down?") like he did every time he was bored, you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from smacking him on the head.

"Oi!" yelled a boy from behind you, making you jump. You turned around in time to see Makkari hit Druig in the chest. "Are you just going to stand there or find a seat?"

" Sorry, about him ," she signed, her features softening when she looked back at you.

"All good," you replied, shaking your head and moving out of the pair's way.

Right as they walked past you, Druig turned back around, tilting his head as he asked, "You comin' or what?" At the incredulous look you gave him, he raised his hand to stop you, "Please don't give me the 'me?' look. You know I'm talking about you. Now, come on unless you want to eat with the stoners and the skaters. I heard Strange and Lewis managed to convince Quill that the gummy worms they gave him are new Lactaid pills in gummy form and he's going to chug every milk carton he can find."

You never moved away from their table faster.

"Why aren't you sitting with your girlfriend? Lovers' quarrel? Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise already?" Druig inquired once you settled down at his and Makkari's table.

"Wanda and I aren't dating," you retorted and couldn't help the warmth spreading across your cheeks. Why the hell were you blushing?

"I'm not talking about your ex, Lothario," he scoffed. "I'm talking about Danvers."

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