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Homecoming night was not something you were looking forward to anymore. The whole week leading up to the dance, you kept being reminded of the fact that despite having planned the perfect homecoming proposal for Wanda, it meant nothing now that your arrangement was over. There was nothing special about this night anymore. You would just go to the stupid dance with Yelena and then go home when you eventually got bored.

"That suit looks good on you," Pietro commented with a half-smile.

"Oh, thanks," you shrugged, looking down at your loose burgundy suit over your white one shoulder crop top as you remained seated.

Right, this was a new thing now.

The last thing you expected coming to school on Monday was to have Pietro approach you to talk. You hadn't spoken in years, so why would that change? Originally, you thought your sleep deprivation had gotten so bad that you had started hallucinating hearing Pietro call your name. But he jogged through the crowd to get to you in time. There was a small part of you that thought maybe Wanda had told him everything after all, but that was silly.

When he started apologizing for all the shit he'd put you through, then you became certain you were hallucinating. It took a few tries for him to convince you that this wasn't some sort of sick joke and he was genuinely sorry for badly he'd treated you.

"I understand if I'm saying all of this too late and that you don't want to be friends anymore. I was a horrible friend and I let unimportant things get in the way of our friendship. I do hope though that you can find a way to forgive me, and that we can be friends again though... Not necessarily now, but somewhere down the line?" he had said, nervously scratching her back of his neck before getting interrupted by his phone ringing.

During his hushed phone call, you got to think over his apology. You definitely weren't ready to resume your friendship at the same place it was when you were freshmen, and you weren't sure you would get back to that place any time soon. However, you also didn't see a reason to completely shut him out of your life after his apology. It would take some time for him to regain your trust and even more time to rebuild your friendship, but if the older Maximoff twin meant what he said and put in some effort into making it up to you, then who were you to stop him?

That didn't mean it was an easy thing to do.

It had only been a few days since you "became friends" again. He'd greeted you at school every morning since then, which was weird even though you knew it was good progress. He even offered you a ride home after school Wednesday, but you declined since you had an art club meeting.

You went back on your suspicion that this was all Wanda's doing, but Pietro had yet to mention his sister and you knew he would've by now if she was behind this; Pietro wasn't one for subtlety.

"Did you choose this color on purpose?" he suddenly asked after eyeing your suit for a moment.

"I, uh, yeah? I thought it looked nice at the store," you replied, unsure what exactly he meant by that.

"I meant..." he started, but then shook his head. "Never mind. Anyways, you look good, T." From the surprised look on his face, you could tell the use of your old nickname was a complete accident, but you didn't mind.

"Thanks, Pietro. You look good as well," you said, nodding towards his light blue suit.

"Thank you, oh, this is my date, Monica by the way," he said, gesturing to the girl who gave you a warm familiar smile and a small wave.

"I know, we have a few classes together," you explained with a chuckle. You two didn't really count as friends, but she was one of the few people who was actually friendly with you. Whenever you had team assignments to do in history class, she would often pair up with you and you'd both get the job done pretty quickly.

miss americana & the heartbreak princess (w. maximoff x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now