Chapter 13 - A Deal With God

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(Y/N) finished explaining how he ended up as a slime within the Chasm, while the giant dragon known as Morax listened on with curiosity.

Morax: That's quite the story you have. You've been through a lot in such a short time.

(Y/N): Ah well, it is what it is.

Morax: That's a very mature perspective for someone so young.

(Y/N): What happened, happened. There's no use in complaining about it because it will not change anything. Besides, It's not like I can go back anyway...

Morax noticed that (Y/N) was a little depressed about the situation but was managing to cope with it.

(Y/N): Anyways, enough about me. What about you, Mr. Morax? What's your story?

Morax: No need to be so formal. You may refer to me as Morax.

(Y/N): Ehe, well, alright, Morax.

Morax: Well, if you wish to know, I am the leader of a large and prosperous settlement known as the Guili Assembly. Many residents there refer to me as the Lord of Geo, Rex Lapis.

(Y/N): Lord of Geo... So you're like a god or something?

Morax: Indeed, as a matter of fact, I felt something stirring deep within the earth, so I set out to find the source, and as it turns out, the disturbance originated from you, little one.

(Y/N): I see, but why go through all the trouble to seek me out yourself?

A question mark sprouts from the top of (Y/N) 's head.

Morax: Unfortunately, my status as a god invites conflict from others, and your arrival couldn't have come at a worse time. This world is currently amid a massive war between many individuals attempting to claim one of the seven divine seats of Celestia.

(Y/N): So you thought I was trying to challenge you?

Morax: Initially, but having met you, I realized that the disturbance I felt was your arrival into this world.

(Y/N): Well, I'm glad everything's cleared up

Morax: As am I. It hasn't been easy having to fight a war while leading a nation. Many have tried and failed to challenge my rule of the Guili Assembly.

(Y/N): Hey, wait, do you know the way out of this cave system? I don't know how long I've been wandering since I arrived here.

Morax: I do, but before we leave, I have to ask you a question.

(Y/N): Oh? Alright, ask away.

Morax: You said all these abilities are relatively new to you, correct?

(Y/N): Yeah, what about it?

Morax: I have an offer to make you. From what you've told me, you were training to be a warrior in your old world. What would you say if I could help you to complete your training?

(Y/N): Training from a god?! Now that sounds like it could help me a lot! But wait, what's the catch?

Morax: I see you catch on quick, little one. In exchange, I would like you to fight alongside me in this war to secure a seat in Celestia.

(Y/N): You want me to fight alongside you in this war?

Morax: Indeed, I see a lot of potential in you, and I wish to help you train that potential. However, nothing comes for free, so I ask for your help. This is the way of a contract.

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