Chapter 23 - The Outlanders Who Caught the Wind

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500 Years Later

(Y/N)'s eyes opened as he got out of his bed. During the past 500 years, he had decided to stay in Mondstadt while occasionally visiting Liyue during the annual festivals.

Although (Y/N) was never officially a member of the Knights of Favonius, he was treated as such and was granted a living area in the Headquarters.

Getting up (Y/N) saw a note alongside a box. Picking up the note, he read.

Dear (Y/N)

I will be leaving Mondstadt for the next few weeks to see if I can find any leads on the whereabouts of a particular pair of blonde outlanders. I've heard rumors that one of them was sighted in Fontaine. I'll write back if I learn anything new. Also, I've left you some new clothes, so hopefully, you will finally wear something else for a change.

With love ,

P.S. Please make sure Klee doesn't get into too much trouble while I'm away.

(Y/N) smirks after reading the last part of the letter.

During his time in Mondstadt, Alice had a child who looked up to (Y/N) as an older brother figure, and the feeling was mutual as he saw her as his little sister.

(Y/N) then turns his attention toward the box.

Upon opening the box, there was a new set of combat clothes. Alice was never particularly fond of (Y/N) 's previous outfits, citing that look never suited him.

After putting on the outfit, he looks into the mirror to see that, much to his dismay, it was the same outfit he was wearing during his vision of the future.

After putting on the outfit, he looks into the mirror to see that, much to his dismay, it was the same outfit he was wearing during his vision of the future

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Ritsu: [Your stress levels are increasing]

Tiamat: Calm down (Y/N). Remember, you're not her!

(Y/N): Y-yeah... you're right...

Ritsu and Tiamat were the only ones who (Y/N) confided in about the future he had seen while connected to Irminsul. Mostly since he felt, at the very least, they deserved to know, seeing as both of them are a part of him, there was no sense in hiding it since the chances of them finding out were inevitable.

(Y/N): I guess it's okay since they're just clothes. Besides, knowing Alice, I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't wear them.

(Y/N) calmed down when suddenly, someone knocked on his door.

???: (Y/N)? Are you in here?

(Y/N): Just give me a few minutes.

???: Okay, I'll just be waiting.

Upon leaving his room, he notices outside, waiting for him, is a brown-haired girl wearing a red bow.


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