Chapter 10 - Beginning of the Storm Part 2

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As (Y/N) walked off with Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, the rest of the group was left speechless at the sudden revelation of (Y/N)'s new abilities. Finally, after a long awkward silence, Nora spoke up to break the tension.

Nora: Soooooo, that happened.

Shino: Something seems off about this whole situation...

Katarina: What do you mean?

Alice: Well, for starters, the fact that (Y/N) was able to heal Neo's vocal cords completely... I've seen a lot of people with healing abilities, but nothing on that magnitude before...

Ruby: Well, he did say it was his semblance... maybe he's just a late bloomer like Jaune?

Jaune looks down in disappointment.

Jaune: Ugh... Don't remind me...

Pyrrha pats Jaune's shoulder to reassure him.

Pyrrha: It's okay, Jaune. I'm sure you'll unlock your semblance in no time!

Weiss crosses her arms and scoffs.

Weiss: One can only hope.

Alice: But still, healing abilities on that level are unheard of... I don't even think Recovery Girl could do that!

Weiss: Is it possible his semblance is a bloodline trait?

Jaune: A what?

Pyrrha: Bloodline trait. In some circumstances, children can manifest the semblance of their parents. Take Weiss, for example. Her glyphs are passed down through her family.

Jaune: Ah, well, I guess that makes sense. But who is his family, anyway?

Alice: Now that you mention it, I'm not really sure. I've never heard of any notable huntsman families with a semblance like his.

Yang: He hasn't even mentioned them to you?

Shino: Not really. Whenever we bring up his past, he always tells us that he doesn't like to talk about it.

Blake: Well, Weiss and Neo have known him the longest. Maybe they can shed some light?

Weiss: All I know is that he got adopted by a reputable assassin who took him on as her apprentice. He never would go into details, though.

The rest of the group looks at Neo with a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Neo: Unfortunately, that's the extent of what I know as well. He told me that he never knew where he came from before his mother had found him.

Ruby and Soul looked at Maka, who was lost in her thoughts.

Ruby: Hey, uh, Maka, everything alright?

Maka: Hmm? Oh yeah... I'm alright...

Soul: So you noticed it too, huh?

Maka: How did you?...

Soul: Our souls share wavelengths, remember?

Ruby: What are you guys talking about?

Maka: Well, when (Y/N) was healing Neo's voice, I could sense some of his soul when he imbued his aura into his hand... but... there was also something else... something I've never seen wasn't a quirk or anything else we know of.

Soul: She's right. I could sense it as well... it radiated negative energy.

Maka: Not to mention that the three he left with had similar energy around them... especially that Yuji guy.

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