Chapter 8: Ivory and Ebony

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The next morning, Aimsey, Freddie, Eryn and Billzo left the house and went into the village to meet and talk to some people as well as pick up materials as they all decided they'd move in and build their own houses.

Tommy had the boys sat down around the table with plates of pancakes with fruits on Michael's and bugs on Shrouds when there was a knocking on the door. Tommy knew it wouldn't be any members of the gang as they said they wouldn't be back until night.

Tommy opened the door to see Ms. Dravis and Ebony.

"Wha- What are you guys doing here?" he asked, more to the boys' old teacher than Ebony.

"I needed to talk to you and the boys, but since I didn't know where you guys lived, I talked to the principal and got your phone number. It so happens that the phone number you put down as an emergency contact ended up being my sibling," Ms. Dravis said, motioning to Ebony.

"I came to the shop and asked Ebony about you three, and they brought me here. I need to talk about the boys' education. I understand that you no longer wish to bring them to the school, and it is probably for the best, but it will benefit them to have the material to join a more modern world if they wish too. Mrs. Baskett agrees. Nasty people shouldn't keep them from an opportunity," Ms. Dravis continued.

"Ms. Dravis-" Tommy began.

"Please, call me Ivory," she said.

"Ivory. I don't have a lot of money to pay for private lessons," Tommy said, unsure of how to proceed.

"I don't want any payment. I'm still a teacher and it'll basically be like teaching them in the classroom, so I'll still be earning what I need at the school and in my spare times after class, I can come teach these two," she said motioning to the boys.

"Isn't that a lot on your plate," Tommy asked.

"It is, but I don't do much else with my time. Being a teacher is my life and I enjoy every minute of it even when there are certain people that are unpleasant to deal with," Ivory answered with a smile.

"Ok..." Tommy answered a bit unsure.

"Can we come in? I'd like to start the lesson that I will teach in class on Monday, since that's going to be a bit of a busier day for me," Ivory asked.

"Sure," Tommy responded, stepping out of the way to let Ivory and Ebony in.

"So, you guys are siblings?" Tommy asked as Ivory took a seat next to the boys who seemed happy to see her and Ebony leaned against one of the kitchen counters, watching with a smile.

"Yes," They both answered.

"I was adopted into her family," Ebony answered.

"Oh, that's cool!" Tommy answered.

"I do wish they were my actual family though," Ebony said before quickly adding, "I still love them dearly none-the-less."

Ebony looked down at Ivory. "I just wish I had the powers that they had. You know how cool that'd be?"

"Powers?" Tommy asked confused.

"Oh, wait! You haven't said anything about that?" Ebony asked Ivory.

"No, I usually keep that to myself as uncloseted witches don't fair too well in the modern world," Ivory said, reminding her sibling.

"Oh yeah..." Ebony said, scratching the back of their neck awkwardly.

"Witches?" Tommy asked again, a little more confused and just a bit excited.

"Yes! Here, let me show you. I trust you guys after all," Ivory said, closing her red eyes.

Blue marks then appeared on her face and when she opened her eyes, they were a deep blue.

"Oh wow!" Tommy gasped.

"Yeah. I usually keep it hidden, and when I'm masking it, it turns my eyes red. That's a common thing with masking for witches, so it's surprising that most people haven't figured that secret out yet," Ivory said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"You are so cool, Ms. Dravis!" Michael shouted excitedly, standing up in his seat.

"Yeah!" Shroud added, raising his arms into the air

Ivory laughed and Ebony chuckled at their adorableness. Tommy just smiled at his boys' excitement and happiness. This is what he wanted for them.

"Ok, well I'll let you guys get to your lessons. I'll be out on the farm, getting everything ready and set up for when winter sets in," Tommy said, heading towards the door and picking his farmers hat off of a hook by the door, putting it on his head.

"I'll also be heading out," Ebony said, standing up from their position against the counter. "I can't leave Bob all alone for long in that shop by himself. Most players don't understand villager, so if someone comes in, he'll be panicking and whip out that white board he has under the counter and try playing Pictionary."

"Oh ok, I'll walk out with you then," Tommy offered, waiting for Ebony by the door.

"Bye Ebony!" the boys called out to Ebony, waving to them as they waved back.

Ivory waved to her sibling and blew them a kiss that they quickly returned, making them both giggle.

Outside, Tommy waved to Ebony as they walked down the path to the village while he walked down the path to his farms and stables with farm animals.

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