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So... I thought he was getting better....

The last time I had heard about his condition was when he talked to Tommy and Wilbur and Tommy wasn't allowed to talk or the video would end. Also when he was talking to Wilbur on the OSMP, talking about how he could walk again and that babies should do better.

I thought he was getting much better, so this was a surprise.

I found out last night at a water park. My sister had just gotten done at her softball game and I had worked the gate for the first game before hers and got done in the second inning of her game. I'm actually really proud of her. Then after the game we drove up to the water park since my brother was at a birthday party there.

Mom said we would stay for an hour, so we headed in. The second song to play once we got in was Sugar Rush from Wreck It Ralph, and I wanted to look it up on YouTube and add it to my playlist. I don't think it made it into the playlist. I think it's still in my watch later list.

I found the video. It was 43 minutes old, just uploaded pretty much. I thought he was going to take a break or quit YouTube for some reason, but since I couldn't watch the video at the water park, it being too loud and it being weird to watch a video at a water filled park full of small children (It was actually getting really dark and not a lot of people were there. It was around 9 pm), I looked at the comments.

When I tell you that my heart took a jump into the deep end at that water park, I'm telling you it went deep. (I don't know if that makes sense, but I don't care)

I then had to sit for a whole hour at that water park. My dad was swimming with my little sister and my mom was talking to one of the grandmothers there, so I sat by myself going through twitter and just listening to the songs that were playing through the park speakers. Every single one of the songs felt off.

I remember Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp, Am I a muppet or a man, Fishin' In The Dark by Nitty Gritty Dirt band and several more. Many of them weren't supposed to be sad, but you know songs just do when you are sad and some lyrics you take and start imagining a scenario.

Anyway, I told my mom and dad in the water park dressing room because dad noticed I was sad and I absolutely broke down. Wish I would've stayed together better. They were concerned and confused. I told them I had bad news and I read it on social media, the internet. Mom asked what's wrong, then asked who died after a moment, then asked if it was any of our family members, a friend, or a member of BTS.

I told them, they said they were sorry but it's not like they could've done anything, then we went home. We watch the video together then some of his funny moments. It helped.

It sucks, but you know what. It'll get better and we still have so many videos of him to keep. I thought about it, and it felt weird to continue writing about Techno, but then I figure I'd just look at the character as I would look at Shroud Innit or Michael Beloved. Alex will be missed, but that's not who I'll be writing about anymore in my stories. It'll be about the character named Technoblade who is a piglin hybrid and is a blood god and a loved member of SBI. It makes it a bit easier, but it'll still be sad. Alex has passed but the blade will live on.

My dad and I talked about it. He said I should make memorabilia or something, build something. So, I was planning to go to my creative Minecraft world and build something, though I'm not a very good builder. I was planning to go live on my YouTube channel, Lexabug (make sure it's a capital L, otherwise I don't think it'll show up). I'm a little nervous but I'm also excited. I want to play music, but I don't want copyright so I'm not sure what I'll play. I think I'll start the stream immediately after I publish this chapter.

I have a DSMP oneshot collection that I'm also working on. I'm planning on doing a chapter there for Techno/Alex too. Pictures and fanarts. One the way home today from seeing Marley, my family and I also listened to It's Raining It's Pouring by Anson Seabra, and I felt inspiration for a sad Alex type chapter as well, but I'm not 100% sure how it's gonna look. It's just images in my head at the moment.

I was thinking about writing this all day, and I feel like I have more to say, but I can't remember. I wrote whatever would come to me in this moment. I guess I have to say that I'm still working on the next chapter, still digging through the things I want to use in the story. I've been very busy. I finished up my second semester of my first year of college, it'll begin again in August. I have astronomy, creative writing, intro to literature, and history after 1877 (If I remember correctly). My siblings have had sports, we've been to several different things, my cousin graduated from high school up in North Carolina on the 10th of June, so we traveled on the 7th and stay around the area until the 17th, making it to Myrtle beach before coming back (A swimmer also disappeared an hour before we got there so we watch helicopters and police cars up and down the beach without a clue of what was happening. We found out the next morning.), my dad's birthday was on the 19th, my dog Marley passed on the 22nd and we just went to see him for the last time today before they cremate him, and yeah... I feel like there is more, but I can't remember.

As of today, writing this chapter, it is 7/1/2022, 6:20 pm.

The next chapter is a bit of background into Tommy's life. I want to say it's optional if you really want to skip it, but I also feel there are important elements I included into the chapter. It's definitely not done yet, but I'll be working hard. I've never wanted to wait for things unless I absolutely had to, and it's getting more so as I get older, but a message that I got from Alex's passing is that don't wait for things. Work for them because you don't know how much time is left. I'll still take of myself, I'm still gonna be lazy, but I think I'm going to try to get this done quicker.

I'm actually going through vods of the DSMP lore, and I'm almost to the elections, so it'll take time.

I hope all of you guys will stay safe. I hope you're ok. I hope you have people to lean on. This world is rough, but we'll get through it :)

One obstacle at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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