Chapter 7: Everything Stays

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I wanted the version where Marcy and her mother are singing together, but it is a shorts video and so the link isn't a valid link. So, this version will do fine since it gives you the gist of what the song is about.

From a couple hours later: I figured it out. The version I want is above. There is a longer version if you want to check that out.


The house was quiet as everyone was asleep. Freddie and Eryn were in their room, several pillows between them. Eryn had revealed that he was an unconscious cuddler and he didn't want to wake up to any awkwardness.

Billzo was on his couch, tossing and turning and groaning out into the darkness. The group was going to get an earful about making him sleep on the couch tomorrow.

Tommy's bed was pushed against one wall and Aimsey had gotten the spot against the wall, as Tommy said that he liked checking on the boys in the night sometimes and he didn't want to have to climb over her to get out.

Tommy was asleep, facing in the direction of the boys' bed across the room. The boys were fast asleep. Shroud has several of his legs wrapped around Michael and Michael was comfortably star fished out while Shroud cuddled into him.

Michael was having bad dreams though. What if Dustin and the school nurse's son was right? What if his parents didn't want him? What if he met Ranboo and Tubbo and found out that they were only looking for Tommy? What if they didn't love him anymore? What if he didn't look good enough and they decided they didn't want him?

Michael woke up screaming, soon crying out for Tommy. It quickly had both Tommy and Shroud up and Aimsey just slowly sat up, blinking her eyes tiredly in the direction of the sobbing child.

Tommy made his way quickly to Michael who was looking at him through tears and reaching out towards him. Shroud had sat up and wrapped his arms around his cousin again, concern and fear flashing through his eyes.

Tommy picked up Michael and got into bed next to Shroud.

"Shh shh, Michael what's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" Tommy asked concerned, holding the piglin hybrid close.

"What if they don't want me!?" Michael cried out.

"What?" Tommy asked, not catching who "they" were yet.

"What if Bee and Boo don't want me?! What if I changed too much and they see me and change their minds?! What if they are just looking for you?!" Michael cried.

"They want you, Michael. They love you so much," Tommy tried soothing.

"But what if they don't?!" Michael sobbed, pulling back to look into his uncle's ocean blue eyes.

"Then I'll still be here," Tommy said, looking lovingly into Michael's one blue eye and combing through his pink hair.

"If they don't want you, I do. I'm your uncle, but I feel like you're my son. I've taken care of you for so long. Your first words were to me and about me, although you did call me mommy," Tommy said with a smile, making Michael giggle.

"I was around for the first time you walked," Tommy continued. "You're so important Michael. I'm absolutely sure they'll think the same."

Michael hugged Tommy happily, the tears flowing down his cheek beginning to slow.

With that, Tommy brought his two boys into his arms and began humming a tune. He looked over to his bed to see what Aimsey was doing just to see that she had conked back out. He giggled at his friend's tiredness and went back to singing to Michael and Shroud.

"Let's go in the garden,"

"You'll find something waiting,"

"Right there where you left it, lying upside down," Michael soon joined, remembering the song that Tommy had sung to them multiple times throughout their life when they had woken from a nightmare.

"When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded." they continued as Shroud watched them with a smile, snuggling closer to his father and cousin. He soon joined in.

"The underside is lighter when you turn it around," the three sang together, closing their eyes as Tommy tucked them into Michael and Shroud's bed

"Everything stays right where you left it,"

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