Chapter 10: Visitor

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TW/CW: Injuries, blood, panic....


Tommy was home alone. Ivory and Ebony had come over to pick up Michael and Shroud as Mrs. Baskett had sent an invitation for them to come have a playdate and everyone agreed that it would attract less attention if Ivory and Ebony drove the kids in Ivory's car instead of Tommy taking them on Clementine.

Since Tommy was home alone now, he had asked his friends to come hang out, but they all had something today that they were busy with.

Eryn had found a new hobby. He had started sneaking into the city and hanging out in abandoned houses that were commonly known to be haunted. He was able to become transparent at times, and he would use this skill to scare any ghosthunter or teenage kid that came wandering around the property. He had even made a few ghost friends and a few demon enemies. He was one of the stronger ones though, so there was some respect. He was out doing that at the moment.

Freddie was working on his own farm today, and that was on the other side of the village. Tommy was fine with letting him work for today, as they had already caused chaos the other day, and they needed a rest.

Aimsey was working in the village for today, helping different villagers spruce up their homes, businesses and important village buildings. It was starting to look really nice, and the villagers loved it, especially since it was free with the exception of the gifts they gave her every now and then for the help.

Billzo had gone out into the city to explore. Tommy didn't know what for really, but Billzo just said that he wanted to know what options he had for fun. He also had been hearing more and more about technology and electronics, and he was looking to maybe get something for himself.

Neddy had gone to visit his parents in the city. He had originally planned to bother Ebony at their shop, but they had let him know about their plans for Michael's and Shroud's playdate. So he had taken the time to finally visit his family that he hadn't seen in a couple months.

Purpled and Deo had gotten the spaceship fixed and went back out traveling. They said they would come back, as Purpled had decided that this would be a nice place to live, and Deo had Tommy here. That didn't mean the world didn't have more for them to see.

Bob was manning the shop for today, so he was busy. The farmhands on Tommy's farm were busy as well, which included Jerry who had healed well from the injury he got from the crash in the wheat field. Tommy could go down and help them work and collect, but he figured it would be better for him to start picking up the house.

It was the 1st of April after all. Just eight more days until his birthday and he would officially be one year older. He planned to have a hang out at the house on his birthday, invite all his friends and just enjoy the day.

He was in the middle of picking up the boys' toys off the living room floor when a rapid, desperate knocking sounded on his door. It scared Tommy a bit, but he quickly stood up and made his way to the door.

Opening it, a man toppled down into him, clearly injured and weaponless. The man's breathing was shallow, and Tommy was kinda starting to freak out.

So, Tommy wrapped his arms around the slightly taller individual, and began struggling to drag him into the house. He dragged him into the living room and laid him across the couch. He then stood back to get a look at him.

The man had hair that was almost brown and matted down to his head. It could be a dirty blonde though, when clean of course. The man had freckles across his nose and cheeks with a couple scars. His black turtleneck, which Tommy was unsure why he would be wearing it in the middle of almost summer, was torn and he had wounds showing through the holes. His eyes were closed, so Tommy didn't know his eye color.

There was something almost familiar about this person, but Tommy couldn't put his finger on it. Tommy was also confused about why this man seemed so injured. He looked well-built and capable of protecting himself.

Whatever the answers to those questions were, it didn't matter. Tommy had an injured, and seemingly dying, man on his couch. He quickly went to the laundry room and pulled a med kit down from one of the shelves above the machines. He then went back to the living room and began to try to treat the wounds on the man.

He soon realized that he could only do so much, and that the man's breathing wasn't improving at all. So, he set the med kit to the side and quickly went outside to Clementine's stable.

The mare stuck her head out as he approached, and he gave her a pat. He opened up the door for her and lead her out, taking her over to the porch of his house. He had her stand still and went back inside for the unconscious person. It was a struggle, but he successfully got the man out and onto the horse. 

Once he had pulled himself onto the horse as well, he pointed Clementine to the village, and they quickly rode over to it. As they rode in, they passed Aimsey on the way to the villagers' "hospital."

Aimsey had already showed love to the building, and it was looking much better than it had the day Tommy arrived to the village. As Tommy dismounted from Clementine and began trying to pull the man off the horse, Aimsey hurried over to see what was going on.

"What happened?!" she questioned with a gasp.

"I don't know! He just showed up at my door wounded and passed out as soon as I opened the door! Now help me! He's heavy," Tommy said, already breathing heavily.

So the two of them worked together to get the person into the hospital for medical attention. As soon as they were through the doors and the villagers spotted them, they were crowded and the heavy weight was taken from their arms.

Once the two knew that the stranger was in good hands and stable, they left the hospital and stood outside as Tommy combed out Clementine's hair with his fingers. It had gotten tangled with the stressed and panicking grasp he had on the way here.

"So he just showed up at your door?" Aimsey asked confused and slightly concerned.

"Yeah. He just showed up. Knocked desperately on my door and then passed out on me. I just want to know why he is injured. I'm glad the kids weren't home. I wouldn't want them seeing the state he was in," Tommy said, now pulling himself up onto the horse.

"The kids aren't home?" Aimsy asked.

"No, they went to the Basketts' house for a playdate. Ivory and Ebony took them in Ivory's car," Tommy answered. He was about to leave after saying goodbye, but then Aimsey said something else.

"You know, there was something awfully familiar about that man. I just can't put my finger on it. I've seen his face once before, but I don't know from where," Aimsey said, trying to remember where she had seen the man's face.

"Well, I hope you can remember. Maybe it can give us a possible answer on way he suddenly showed up at my house injured," Tommy said before saying goodbye again and heading home.

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