Confused Memories

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The boy looked at me funny and started laughing,"W-what's so funny!" I say raising my voice irritated. What's this guy's problem he won't stop laughing. I let out a sigh and stand up wanting to leave before he caught his breathe. As I stand up my legs feel wobbly and unsteady. On pulse I grab on to the tree next to me and notice something. There was a red stain in the white snow and I slowly raise my hand up to my mouth feeling blood on my lip, "W-why is there blood on my lip?" I look at the boy and give him a scary look,"What did you to me while I was sleeping!?"

He finally stopped laughing and looked at me standing up. Standing up I realized how tall and pretty well built he is. I saw him more clearly. He had dirty blonde hair with mesmerizing hazel eyes that made my heart beat faster. He came closer to me with his face inches away from mine. I quickly grew pink feeling my body warm up,"Don't worry I didn't do anything to you, your body is just processing the other side of you" I looked at him confused."My other side?" he gives a sort of sad face and looked at me closely. For an instant I see his beautiful hazel eyes go a deep, bright yellow like a beast's eyes.

I step back, about to run away but was stopped by a tree behind me. What is he? He stops and takes a step back. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He says in a calm voice as his eyes go back to normal. " I'm Alex, by the way" he smiles and raises his hand out toward me. "I-I'm Edith" I stutter still shocked about what happened and slowly takes his hand shaking it. "Edith you are a werewolf like me well sort of," my eyes widen in surprise and I start laughing, "oh I see, it's a prank for the new girl ha very funny but I'm not falling for it," I say as I turn around and start to leave but then feel a warm sensation on my wrist pulling me back into an embrace. It feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. My cheeks go red my whole body feeling hot. "W-what" that was all I could say I was so embarrassed and shocked I couldn't speak. I mean it's been forever since I've been this close to a guy.

He slowly let's go and backs away "sorry it's just I've never seen another one, but you are a werewolf this isn't a prank I promise." I look at him "How would you know I'm a werewolf when I didn't?" He smiled a little and flicked my forehead "Ow! Hey that hurt!"I say covering my forehead. "I smelled your wolf side and I saw you lose control and pass out when you saw me. You passed out because you met another werewolf. I thought you were just sick or my nose was wrong but I saw your eyes turn."


          "T-Thats impossible I'm normal a-and human." I couldn't believe what he was saying, this is to much to handle. I mean being told your a werewolf by a boy I just met.  It sounds absolutely crazy! He looked and me and sighed, "Still don't believe me? Ok fine then how do I know you've had loud voices in your head since you were a kid and people thought you were crazy? It's because you're hearing other people's conversations from a far.  With your advanced hearing you can hear anything from 20 feet away." my eyes go wide.  H-how does he know that?! I've never told anyone but the mothers of the foster homes I went to or my doctors. 

     He looks at me with a smirk on his face,"I'm right aren't I?" He was and it was creepy how he knew. Maybe it is possible, I mean it could explain what happened that night. I wanted to know more like maybe I can run away from these foster homes like I've been trying to do for years but always failed," Let's say if I was werewolf, just saying what woul I be able to do? Like any superpowers or change into a wolf?" he looked at me still with that smirk,"Well we do have advanced senses and can also run very fast if you were a werewolf," he go me, I was really intersted. I let out a small sigh and smile alittle," So how do I um change? You know into a wolf," he raised his hand and grab something out of his pocket. I couldn't make out what it was, but he brought it close to his hand. It was a knife! I back up on pulse and he looks at me."It's ok i won't hurt you," He smiled cutting his hand, the smell of fresh blood filled the air surrounding us.

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