phase two - get to know her in the grapefruit

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"okay, were speeding in three, two, one."

podcast, phoebe, and nova were now walking the streets of summerville with their backpacks on, podcast wearing headphones in particular for his transportable podcast.

they stopped at a corner as he started his podcast, and he turned to the girls. "uh, yeah, just introduce yourself and tell me what you ate for breakfast." he first pointed the microphone at nova, to show phoebe an example of what to do. nova had been doing this for 7 years, since they were 5.

"nova, 3 baby pancakes and jam." phoebe looked at nova a bit weird for the breakfast combo, but she couldn't help but admit to herself in her mind that it sounded quite good.

podcast pointed the microphone to phoebe next. "phoebe, toast." "...okay, maybe a little more. tell me a joke or something." since he knew that nova was just straight up horrible at jokes, he kept the microphone up at phoebe's face.

"a joke?" "mhm." podcast nodded. "you got this. your joke back in the back room was great." nova whispered, and it made phoebe feel better (plus her cheeks started to heat up into a rosy pink, which she blamed on the lack of sunblock she put on that morning). "...what do you call a dead polar bear?" podcast hummed an 'i don't know' and nova gave an encouraging look when phoebe looked over to her.

"anything you want. it can't hear you now." podcast made a face for a moment, before bursting out into a small fit of laughter. nova grinned at phoebe now, telling her a million words in one facial expression. "wow, that was funny. you're funny." podcast admitted, taking off his headphones while nova pulled phoebe in, hooking an arm around her shoulder and hugging her, linking hands. "funnier than 'ova." from her position, nova tried to mess with podcasts hair while still holding phoebe, but he just ducked away and took a couple paces back. phoebe laughed at the two of them.

"does everyone have a different nickname for you?" she asked her as she moved away from the hug to start walking behind podcast. "oh, yeah, a bunch of nicknames. podcast calls me 'ova, dad calls me nove, citizens here call me 'ove. feel free to come up with a new one for me." nova smiled, pushing her hands into her pockets. her smile made phoebe smile and feel a certain buzz in her stomach. she got scared a bit by that. she didn't know what it was or what it was caused by, and frankly, phoebe usually liked to know what was going on before she felt it.

"fun fact–" "actually really bad fact," nova interrupted podcast. he playfully punched her in the arm. "did you know summerville has more dead residents than living ones?"

phoebe looked over to nova, and she shrugged. "see? told ya." phoebe chuckled, looking back at the concrete, not bearing to make eye contact with her anymore. "yeah, thats how cemeteries work." phoebe said, looking back up at podcast. "wertheimers hardware, run by the illuminati. lizard people." podcast pointed out the places with his microphone, walking backwards to face both of the girls. "lizard people?" phoebe asked. "jefferson, einstein, beyonce–?" nova started. "how do you think we got the pyramids?" podcast finished. "slaves?" phoebe questioned, resulting in a snort from nova.   

"movie theater." podcast continued the tour, not acknowledging the last thing said. "that ones haunted." nova stated. "i don't believe in ghosts." phoebe said. podcast turned back around from strolling like regular, looking towards her. "what?" podcast and nova chorused. they all stopped in their tracks.

"how can you–" podcast stopped himself, "i mean, all the evidence! you dont believe in spirits?" phoebe thought for a moment before letting out a dull : "no. i think were all just kind of meat puppets." podcast leaned into phoebe. "there's something you need to see. i'll grab my wheels." and with that, podcast spun around and started rushing forward.

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