phase five - impress her

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the next day, the trio were in a grassy plain, setting up things.

"welcome to rust city." podcast said, finished with setting up the targets. "this where they processed all the raw selenium?" "yeah, i guess." podcast shrugged. "yes. it was." nova confirmed, rolling her eyes at her best friend, standing up from her squat.

that morning phoebe had told nova all about the night before and nova did too, both gagging at their parents going out and the fact that novas dads name is 'gary'. when gary told nova, she didn't know how to feel. did she want her dad to be happy after her mom abandoned them? of course. but her crushes mom? that just confused her. and it confused him as well. but then they just settled on waiting it out to see what happened at dinner and figure it out from there.

nova helped lug the huge backpack-looking machine onto phoebes back, saving her from falling onto the ground from all the weight. "woah, i got you." nova said, catching phoebe from tripping onto the ground and balancing herself back onto the ground. "cool," podcast commented. "how'd you know how to fix it? i mean, no offence, but you're 12." "well, nj helped me, and... i kind of met my grandfather last night. he kind of showed me what to do and nj helped me through his interpretation." phoebe explained, while podcast squatted onto the ground and put onsoem glasses over his head. "no way, was he, like, howling and clanking chains?"nova immediately rolled her eyes. "no. that would've been weird." phoebe explained, hands in pockets. nova couldn't help but keep looking at her. she looked really good. her hair, her glasses, her style.... god, she was such a simp.

after last night, phoebe actually wanted nova to keep the glasses of her grandfathers. though nova couldn't see in them, phoebe thought she looked adorable in them, so she insisted on keeping them. they were currently located on her nightstand table.

"switch me on." she told podcast. once switched on, it made a loud noise, sounding like a revving engine starting to turn on a car. on the side, blue light blinked up to show how much power was left.  nova stood on the left of phoebe, for moral support, mostly. podcast was trying to record it. she pulled the gun out on the second try, and started to switch everything on. "come on, come on, come on." nova mumbled. "safetys off." the boy and girl nodded. "her feet are planted. her face is poised." podcast started. "will this be the moment of her death. nobody knows." nova gave podcast a look, and he just put his hands up in surrender.

soon, light and electricity started shoot out of the gun, lighting the stand from afar on fire. phoebe almost fell back, but nova luckily saved her, pushing her pack forward, giving her balance. "yeah!" podcast shouted, whooping into the air. a couple seconds later, she stopped it, pushing her back a few feet and leaving the target table on fire. "oh, my gosh." podcast said, holding the microphone to the minor fire. "oh my god! you did it!" nova grinned. "we did it!" phoebe grinned. "that is the best thing ive ever seen." podcast said, taking a picture with his glasses, shaking the polaroid. then he took off the glasses while nova and phoebe stepped up to where podcast stood, watching the fire.

"did i hit it?" phoebe asked. "you didn't hit it–" podcast said, "you destroyed it!" nova said, shocked, laughing. "it doesn't even exist anymore!" podcast laughed. smoke escaped into the air from the fire. phoebes hair wasn't in its usual style, now down and messy, no gel or anything, overalls on and a blue-patterned button-up under. podcast wore a multi-colored striped button-down that was open with a black shirt with a  design on it and shorts, a sash and headphones on. nova wore short blue leggings up to her kneecaps and an oversized shirt over it that was japanese style, a bright coral with black designs. her hair was in braids that day, gelled down and short.

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