phase six - let her save your life

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as they drove, nova noticed phoebe looking a bit overwhelmed. "hey, it's okay. youre going to do amazing." phoebe looked over and sighed. "but what if we don't catch him again?" "well, there is always tomorrow. plus, were 12. it's not even our job to do this sort of stuff. your grandfather was 30-something when he did this. its so brave of you to even try on your own like this." nova smiled. phoebe looked at her, and smiled, nodding her head.

"so what should i be looking for?" trevor asked, squinting in his seat. "evidence." podcast said. they turned left at the next street, continuing to drive. the kids all leaned onto the front seat, to get a better view with trevor. "can you stop breathing in my ear?" trevor asked podcast. "no." nova hit him over the head. again. "ow! that was homophobic." podcast claimed. "i cant be homophobic. im literally apart of the lgbtq+, dumbass." phoebe perked up at this, not responding, but listening. "hey, your pansexuality can't always save you." podcast deadpanned. "1. you're pansexual too, weirdo. and 2. im also asexual, so it covers my bases. like insurance." podcast rolled his eyes as nova spoke. "can you guys just, like, shut your mouths?" trevor asked. the duo shushed them, and trevor just contemplated what he had done wrong to get to this point in life.

"you guys, this is kind of stupid. are you sure you didn't see, like, a racoon or, like, a possum?" "there!" nova shouted, pointing to the red fire hydrant on the corner. trevor stepped on the brakes. and there it was. eating a fire hydrant. "is that a–?" "free floating metal muncher. definitely class five." podcast said. phoebe started preparing quickly in the back while trevors mind was going at a million miles per hour. "okay, what do we do?" trevor asked. "lets get him." podcast smirked. "what?" trevor asked, shocked that they even thought of that. "lemme get a photo first." podcast pressed on something with his foot, which made a part of the car fly open and make phoebe spin out of it, still on her seat. "guys." "...awesome!!" nova laughed. "it has a gunner seat?" podcast asked, suprised.

the ghost looked vunerable at first, until it turned something in the fire hydrant, then escaping. "go, go go!" the car immedaitely started moving, podcast and nova holding onto each other for safety. "come on, pheebs!" phoebe heard nova yell. phoebe chuckled, before shooting at the ghost, first shooting at the movie theater (accidentally). second try, and... it starts throwing bullets at them. great. phoebe almost got it, but not quite. turning the corner violently, they continue to try. "persist, pheebs!" nova encouraged. she took a breath, before finally getting the ghost. "yes!" nova yells. "trap him!" phoebe yells. podcast tried to grab it, but nova takes it. "not again!" she grabs the ghost trap on wheels, opening part of the floor to the bare road where a small ramp has formed, and let it go. "podcast!" she threw the controller to him, and he caught it.

"got it!"

as they kept trying to catch it, the boys were fighting while nova was, of course, supervising. "keep it straight!" "you try driving this thing. plus you're not even straight!" trevor throws in. nova cackles. "nice one, spengler!" they took another left, trying to catch up with the ghost while phoebe was trying to hold the ghost with the gun. "ready!" podcast yelled. "trap him already!" phoebe and nova yell back. "3... 2... 1!" but then, cars came into the mix, and it probably electrocuted someone's car. ghost flew through spinners, pulling the car to the right and to a stop.

"oh my god, what just happened?" trevor panicked. "he's heading for the mountain!" podcast yelled.

so, that's where they went.


"I'm in range."

the four were still in the car, podcast was focused on the mobile ghost trap, trevor was focused on driving, phoebe was focused on the ghost pack, and nova was focused on making sure no one died.

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