Chapt 3: Chain stitch

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Y/N pov:

I walked around the village to find Carlos.. but no luck I cant see him no where. So I head to Casita which welcomed me with open doors. I wave at it and tiles sway. I find Carlos door and quickly head to it. I knock.. no answer. I knock again!.. no answer. I bang the door and.. no answer.. I was about to kick the door but it opened. I see Carlos in an annoyed expression but turned into a surprised one when he saw me

"What the fuck do you want?" he says as he leans to the door and rub his temple "You said you can teach me crochet today" I say to him. He realizes and groaned "Ugh.. right... hold on Im gonna get the materials" He says as he was about to go back in the room "Cant we just do it in your room?" I ask him "Well its kinda.. messy and also spooky in a way" He said as he rubs the back of his neck "Oh come onnn.. it cant be that spooky and messy. I can handle it anyways!" I say as I put a grin on my face "Mm.. Dont blame me for the crying if you went in my room" He says putting a finger in front of me. I nod and I hear a door opening beside us

We both look to see Camilo heading out of his room but paused when he saw us "Oh~? Twin bringing up a chick, I see.." Camilo says as he smirked and walked towards us. Carlos drags me in his room and he went on to talk with Camilo. I dust my skirt and look at the room.

Wallpaper was in a maroon shade with tiny chameleon imprints. I see multiple mirrors around the room most of them covered with a black blanket. I also see book shelves filled with books and a table beside it. Theres a set of stairs in front of the door but a bit to the left. I guessed its where the bed is. I look around more and see blobs of clay near the table.

"Ehem.. continuing what we were doing.. Come" He says walking pass me. He grabs a blod and toss it on the ground. It turned into a fluffy rug. I look at it, amazed. I ran to the rug and pat it. Woahh it was super softt.. I plopped face down on the rug just pleasuring the soft rug. I hear Carlos grabbing the maybe materials for crotcheing. I sit up and see him unpack the yarn and hooks "Here. You atleast know the basics?" He asks "In basics do you mean the hook and the yarn?" I ask back. He nods and hand me and bundle of yarn and a hook.

He sits and starts finding the end of the thread in the yarn. I just look at him in an amazed sorta expression. He looks at me and raised an eyebrow. I notice and shook my head started to do the same. We both found the thread and Carlos explains on how to start. I nod and started to begin. I made a first stitch and I was proud at my self! "Ah! Look I made a stitch!" I say as I show Carlos the stitch "Woww. Thats nice" He says in monotone. I feel kinda upset on the monotone praise. I nudge him, making him grunt. We continue on crotcheing.

I keep on making mistakes! Jeez, I thought crocheting is relaxing "Need help?" I hear him offering. I nod and he takes a look. He holds my hands and made and starts to lead my hands on crocheting. I feel my stomach all weird again and cheeks heating up "Like that. Now start crocheting" He says as he lets go of my hands. I start to crochet correctly "See, you can do it" He says and a sort of a proud tone. I blush on the compliment.

Silent filled the room. Since we were focusing on crocheting "What did you talk about with Camilo?" I ask him to break the silent. His focused face became upset. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him "Well.. Its just about usual things" He says as he faked a chuckle "Its about me being here huh?" I guessed as I raise the crochet in front of me to take a better look at it. I take a glimpse on Carlos who was in a surprised expression "What- Ho- Ehm.. Well yeah.." He says as he slowly crochet. I sigh and placed my hand on his shoulder "Im so sorry on how people treat you" I say to him as I gave him a side hug.

I see his ears turn red and I giggled "Why so red now~" I tease "Your talking to a guy whose alone the rest of his life, princesa~" He rolls his eyes and made a seducing tone on the princesa part. I feel my cheeks burn and my stomach feeling all weird. He takes a glimpse at me and chuckled. He looks back on the crochet "Why so red now~" He says in a mocking tone. I groan and covered my face with the crochet.

I feel something is worn on my head. I pulled away for the crochet at pat my head to feel a soft fabric. A beanie? I feel fluttering in my stomach. I smile and pat my head "Thanks!" I say to Carlos. He smiles.. HE SMILED! He looks more cute when he's smiling. He hands me a small clear plastic case filled with crocheting materials "You can keep this. I can make the crochet materials with the pile of blobs" He says as he points to the blobs "Really?!" I exclaimed and squealed in happiness.

Him?? Letting me keep his crocheting materials?? How kind of him! Surprised people hate this guy.

Him?? Letting me keep his crocheting materials?? How kind of him! Surprised people hate this guy

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made this rlly late and im sleepy so theres maybe typing errors idk


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