Chapt 13: A nice guy

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Y/N pov:

I wake up and I rub my eyes and look around. I was still at the field. I look beside me and it was Carlos wrapped around my waist. I smile and pat his head while I lay myself down again. I look at the sky and just laid there for I don't know how many minutes.. I look at him and he was still sleeping peacefully. Gosh, does he gets any sleep? I play with his hair to somehow pass the time.. I got a close up of his features than I ever have before

He has long eyelashes.. and freckles scattered around his nose and cheeks. Hair as soft as a bundle of feathers. I place my hand on his cheek.. Skin as soft as fluffy bread. I took a glimpse at his lips.. they look soft too. I blush on these thoughts. What am I thinking!? Ugh.. I covered my face with my hands and groaned quietly "I swear.. Why do you have to be so... cute" I mumbled

I then felt movement. Carlos jolts up and twisted his neck. He looks around and I bet he notices my legs. He turns around and saw me, then he turned back around "Morning, Bonito~" I say as I sit up "Morning" He says in a hoarse voice. Well that was unintentionally hot

"How's your sleep?" I ask him smiling. He places his hand on his neck and took a glimpse at him "Meh. It's alright" He says, then cleared his throat. I nod and looked at the field in front of us "I got to say, you were sleeping peacefully. Wrapped around me as snug as a bug" I chuckle. He scoffs and cracked his knuckles "You're fluffy" He says.

My jaw dropped and I look at him. Who was still hungover "What?" He tilts head "Are you saying that Im fat?!" I exclaim "If you put it in that way then yes. But fat in a cute way tho" He says "I am??" I whine. He hummed and looked at me up and down "You don't look fat. You just feel fluffy" He says as he pokes my side. I giggled and slap his hand away

"What time is it even.." I mumbled the question to myself. I look at the sun that was half way setting "Gosh we slept the whole day" I groan "Yeah.. Never could sleep for a whole day. First acheivement" He said as he hugs his knees. I look at him and the wind blew his curls.. I see his ear still wearing the earrings I gave him "Still wearing the earrings I gave you" I smiled "Oh. It's too pretty for it to go to waste" He reasoned "Does your dad even know where you are" He asked "Well.. No, but he dosent really mind unless I don't get home around 6" I respond. He nods and puffs.

I fiddled with my hands and the air blowed my face in a subtle way. This was relaxing. I look at Carlos who was staring at me and he quickly turned away. I laugh and nudge him "No need to be so shy~" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and stood up. I chuckle as he reaches his hand for me. I grabbed it and stood up, tho still wobbly

"You should head home now. Its getting late" He says "Oh, alright.. How about you?" I ask. He dusted his ruana and hummed "I'll stay out for a while. Come on" He responds. What is he gonna do for a while? We started walking back and then we reached my house "Bye, princesa~" He says. I feel my cheeks heating up. I smiled and waved "Bye, Bonito~" I say back. He walks off.

I turn around to see Julio peeking through the widow. Oh gosh. I quickly did not make eye contact and went in through the door. I quickly walk away but I hear footsteps catching up behind me. I feel a grip on my wrist and I was quickly turned around. I see Julio in a shock face "Are you dating Carlos Madrigal?!" He whispers "What! No.. no. Uhm.. No" I whisper nervously "You are" He muttered "No! I am not. We're just two friends hanging out" I defend "Dating or not. He will ruin you" He says in a threatening voice "Pft- No he wont" I chuckle "How so?" He asks as he crosses his arms "I just know he wont" I say shrugging as I walk off. He grabs my wrist again "Just avoid him while you still can" He says in a low tone voice. I roll my eyes and scoff

"Why do people always think he's mean?!" I muttered. I head to my room where I slumped on the bed "Ugh.. I mean.. Yeah he kicks butts.. but he's doing it as defense. Does people ever think that??" I mumbled as I hug my pillow "I swear people need a reality check.." I mumbled again.

I hear a knock on my door. I hopped out of bed and opened the door to see Julio again "Ugh.. What do you want??" I groaned annoyingly "Your mumbles are louder that a coyotes laugh" He whispers. I widen my eyes. I wasn't that loud.. I couldnt even hear myself "What do you want" I say sternly
"Y/N.. You're really in a puppy love situation" He says as he enters my room "What?!" I exclaim "No I am not!" I denied. He chuckles and lounged at my desk "Well you are.. That even he notices it" He says. I widen my eyes and clearly blushed. I look down and rubbed my neck "Mhm~ When he was walking off I see him swaying. Skipping even! That means... He's happy with you!" He assumed "That can mean anything, Julio" I say annoyed

"If you're a guy that can't mean multiple. Only one option is available" He says as he puts up a finger "He's happy whenever he's with you" He announced. I feel my cheeks heat up and I covered my cheeks with my palms "Ugh stop teasing me" I groan "But I'm not.. And you hear the rumors! He's mean and bad.. heard he killed a person once-" "Well he did not. Those were all made up rumors!" I exclaim

"Okay, okay. No need to be feral for your boyfriend" He scoffs "But I dont know if you should hangout with him longer.. He can hurt you at any moment" He says as he pinched his nose "Ayy.. You're worried for me?" I mocked "Ofcourse I'm worried! Who wouldn't?" He exclaims "All I'm saying that you shouldn't hangout with him any longer " he waves his finger. I roll my eyes and looked at the ceiling "I'll beat you up if you say that again" I threatened "He is not what you think. He's actually kind" I defend

"Ayshh.. Ding ding ding dingg" He hummed "You're deeply inlove" He says. I widened my eyes and scoffed "How a guy like you knows when a girl is inlove?" I scoff "Oh I dont.. yours is just obvious" He says "Oh shut up. I am not in love with him. I just like him as a friend" I say "Lying is a sin, Y/N~" He teased "Oh shut up!" I kick his ankle, making him stumble "So what if I'm 'inlove' with him??" Trying to not sound as if I was in love with Carlos "Well then.. You'll be crying on your knees" Julio says as he walks out of my door.

I scoff and massaged the bridge of my nose

He's not mean I tell you. Jeez
Why is he so worried of my being with him? I mean yeah Im soft hearted but that doesn't mean I would be on my knees sobbing

I swear, brothers..


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why am I posting this early? Cuz I can😌


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