Chapt 21: Alone

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Y/N pov:

It's the next day. I went straight to bed after that mental break down.. Jeez, I didn't know it was that bad.. I was out roaming around.. again. I sigh as I slouch on the wall. I look around and took a glimpse of the alley.. Carlos was mostly in.. Should I..? No! No you can not! Absolutely not!.. But.. a peek would be fine right?..

I was about to walk towards it but I notice Isabela going towards me. She puts her hands behind her back as some of her silky hair went over her shoulder "Hola, Y/N. Are you okay now?" She asks "Oh- Yeah, yeah. I'm okay" I reassured as I give her a smile. She hums as she nods with a smile.

"Isa.. Would you- Like- Erm.. Forgive, Carlos..?" I ask her nervously. She looks at me with wide eyes. She chuckles awkwardly and intertwined her fingers  "Well.. Uhm- I w-would.. if you forgive him" She says as she gave a tiny smile. I nod as I look down..

"Why?" I hear her ask "I.. I dont want his own family to hate him just because of me.." I say as I look at her. She looks at me too as she furrow her eyebrows. She sighs and scratches her head "We don't hate him" She reassures me "Well some of you are" I say "How would you know that? You haven't got their judgement" She crosses her hands as she looks up

"You hate him because he hurt me" I say. I hear a small gasp coming from her "Its fine if you hate him.. I just.. dont want his whole family to hate him. Like.. because.. your his family, y'know? His only family.." I say as I wave my hands and started tearing up. Oh corn nuts! I'm really a soft hearted female puppy..

"But I bet the only people who cared about him probably have those sprinkle of hate" I say as I make a sprinkling gesture "Like- Camilo! Camilo has a good relationship with Carlos..? But in that voice-- or-- or- Eyes!- those magnificent golden-green-brown eyes-.." I whine as I cover my face "Aysh.. You really care about him, huh? The "Carlos Nefasto" She quotes the nick name.

I remove my palms of my face and looked at her confused "Children called him like that, after he got his gift. Then people started saying all these bad things to him.. I then started to believe that my primo is a horrible being" She tells me in guilt sort of way. I look at her in sadness.. He has been treated wrong since he's young.. Jeez.

I puff as I look ahead. I see Carlos heading over the alley with his head down. I inspect him going to the alley.. I hope he forgives himself.. actually "What makes him so hot to you~?" I hear Isabela tease. I look at her in surprise and feel my face heat up "Its an emotional day! And the day should consist of emotional only" I say as I puff. She chuckles and gets alerted. I hear someone call Isabelas name "Welp.. Thats my queue. Have a nice emotional day Y/N" She chuckles as she scurried off.

I wave to her and then put my hands behind my back as I was looking down. I sigh as I look at the sun. It was going down slowly.. very slowly... Ugh.. Guess it's home time, even if the sun isn't even half way setting down. I went home and see my mom handling the counter with some people sitting at the bistro tables eating their donuts and all that yada yada.

I head over to the back and my mom checks on me "Why so early, Corazon?" She asks as she approaches me "Just feeling the need to help you. Thats all" I say with a smile. She chuckles as she shook her head "Go help your papi" She says as she shoo me off. I giggled as I went to the kitchen.

I see my Papa mixing up vanilla frosting. He notices me and gave me a sweet smile "Hola, Mi vida" He greets "Hola, papa. Could I help you today?" I offer "Hm.. Sure! Clean up the dishes piled in the sink" He says as he points to the pile of plates in the sink. I hissed as I head over to the dishes and started scrubbing them

"So.. you just came home early just to help?" He says suspiciously "Erm.. Yep!" I exclaim but was still unsure "Mmm... Are you avoiding the boy?" He asks. I pause and widen my eyes.. Am I avoiding him..? "Uhm- No- I'm not..?" I say as I shook my head and continue to wash the dishes. I hear a chuckle coming from him. I puckered my lips and furrowed my eyebrows, and groaned in annoyance

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