Chapt 25: Spin the bottle

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(Lil warning: This chapt is Lil spicy.. okay maybe not Lil. But! Read in your own will🌚)
Y/N pov:

Today the Madrigals decided to make a huge party for their anniversary about Encanto. The party lasted for a long time that it reached til night. I guessed it was about 10 pm. The children head out to sleep as the adults were dancing drunk and the teens were near the food as some danced with the bundle of crowds. Music blasted as I was tap by someone on the shoulder. I turn around to see Mirabel with a grin on her face "Hola, Mirabel. Nice party!" I say to her "Oh thanks. Such a nice celebration for the anniversary for this town" She says as she hands me a slice of mango "Oh! Do wanna join a game with us?" She offers "Oh uhm. Sure I guess" I agree unsurely "If your worrying about Carlos. He's there~" She teases "This has nothing to do with Carlos. Shut it" I say as I elbowed her. She chuckles as she grabs my wrist and drags me to the dining area.

I see 7 people. Melissa, Hanna and Camilo was at the buffet grabbing all they can eat as, Alex, Julio and Carlos was sitting on the table. The 2 was talking about something while Carlos just silently listening on their conversation with a plate of arepas.

"Do yall want to play a game?" Mirabel exclaims to get their attention "What type of game? No kissing please. Don't want to spoil what I'm eating" Melissa says as they munch on the food on their plate and head to the table "Jeez your no fun. You care your food more than us" Hanna whines as they too seat at the table "Well that's optional!" Mirabel says as she pushes me at the table insisting me to seat.

She then goes to the cupboards and finds something "We're gonna do Spin the bottle! Not the kissing version. But its optional. if it points to you. You have to drink.. Wine!" She explains as she pulled out the wine "Then after a shot. The one who spun has to offer you truth your dare. And if you resist on the request or your the one who spunned but points back to you. You drink again!" She explains more.

"You think the parents agreed with this?" Hanna asked. Mirabel hummed as she heads over to the table "Mehh, I asked mama. She said it's fine with wine" She says as she grabs a cup.

"Hm. Hm.. Okay~ Alright~" Mirabel clicks her tongue as she seated near the table "Were gonna do half a cup! Is that alright with you guys?" She assures us. We all agreed. I was kinda nervous.. I mean I was never really into drinking.. Ehe..

"Okay so.. Melissa.. Hanna.. Alex, Camilo, Julio, Me, Carlos, Y/N.." Mirabel mutters as she points to each of us. I look at Carlos who was slouching on the table with his cheek rested on his hand whilst he was still munching on an arepa.

"You should stop eating, dude.. I don't want you to smother your barf on me if your drunk" Alex says to Camilo "Fuck off. It's not your plate of food or your digestive system" Camilo ratted as he munchies on his food with joy.

"Okay! Game?" Mirabel asked as she pours the cup with wine til it was half a cup. We all yelled in agreement "Melissa your up!" Mirabel exclaims as she lays down the wine bottle. Mirabel passes the wine glass and Melissa chugged it down. Melissa hissed as they smack their lips "Oh this is good" They tell us as they hand Mirabel back the wine glass. Melissa then spun the bottle.  

The bottle spun around then it slowly.. stopped. It points to Alex "Alright Alex.. Truth.. or Dare?" Melissa teased in a spooky tone "Uhm.. Dare" He replies nervously. Melissa snickers and puts their finger on their chin and hummed "Stuff as many bunuelos in your mouth. Dont even try slipping in your throat" They said to Alex. Alex groaned as they grab the bowl the bowl of bunuelos "Does it have be mine??" Camilo whines "I want to still be conscious so that I'm alarmed on you barfing on me" Alex rolled their eyes. Camilo scoffs as he munches. Alex then poured the bowl to his face. We started hyping them up in couraging to finish the bowl. They then slammed the bowl on the table. Alex dusted their hands, proud on doing the dare "Haha! Fuck- Mmng- You" Alex exclaimed to Melissa whilst their cheek was still filled with bunuelos.

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