Chapt 33: Fool

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Y/N pov:

I piece myself together as I sighed. I get off of bed and stretched. A knock came through my door. So I opened it  I see Julio. Still dazed as he buttons up his top. He then grumbles as he walks away.

I follow him to the dining area and sat at the table. My parents was also seated but looked at me with a mischievous look. Oh I swear to go- "So~ How's ya' little sleepover~" My dad questions teasily. Julio chokes on his drink as he looks at me in shock

"You did sleep with Carlos!" He exclaims as he slams his hand on the table "Wha- No! Who told you that!" I argued back "Ohohoho.. Camilo told me earlier he heard noises coming from his room~" He whispers as he puts on a devilish smirk.

"Woah.. Did you guys did the nasty?" I hear my papa question. We both look at them slowly then I side eyed Julio and smacked his head. He yelps as he stumbles on his chair

"I didn't did 'it' with him! And I did not sleep with him!" I exclaim embarrassingly.

I hear my mother giggled as she eats her food "Then who's he?" She questioned in a tease. I feel my cheeks heat up as they all cooed me

"Th-Theres alot of people who uses he/him pronouns!" I try explain myself. Instead of my family getting convinced they all laughed

"Wait- Are you saying you slept with someone else" Julio asked in a sort of monotonish way. I smack his head again and groaned " STOP ASKING QUESTIONSS" I exclaimed to him

"Ouhh~ So you want to be loyal with Carlos~?" Julio teased "Julio shut up or I'll beat you til dawn!" I threatened "Awwhh. What are you? That pretty popular girl who dates a self hound meanie~?" He mocks.

"Julio stop mocking your hermana" My mom warns. I stood up and shoved Julios head as he was mid eating. He chokes a bit as I storm off downstairs. Not having to touch my food yet.

Ughhh... Whats his problem! Does hermanos really be that annoying?! Oh my gosh.. Is he salty for being ✨single✨ Or his precious little hermana is leaving him to the dump. WELL I AM.

I groan as I quickly head to the alley. I see Carlos, hands in pockets at seemed to be expecting me.

"Hola, princesa" He greets me. Wow he greets me first. Well that lighten the mood a bit "Hola, hermoso.." I greet back as I slumped back at the wall while groaning.

He snickers as he reaches something in his pockets. He hands me a crochet made handkerchief and in it was an arepa "Told ya your crochet had potential" I tell him as I take the arepa.

"Heard you got backlash" He says. I pause on taking a bite of the arepa and looked at him with wide eyes "You eavesdrop?!" I frantically questioned him "Dolores did" He responds.

"Ughhhh... She heard the whole thing and said it to you?? Man.." I groaned as I covered my face with my palms, arepa still in hand "Not the whole, whole thing. Just the part where your dad asked if we've fucked yet" He recalls

Ah right.. Ugh.. Why did he even bothered. But then again.. "Have we..?" I asked again as I fiddled the arepa. He looks at me with a concerned look "I- Bit- Do you want me to fucking dedo you to make you believe??" He suddenly says in an annoyed tone.

I feel myself flashed in red. I turn away as I squealed quietly "O-Okay! Okay! We didn't! We didn't!" I frantically said.

I then pat my cheeks and slowly turned back front. I exhaled slowly trying to not make things awkward. I rub my neck "Jeez no need for the roughness" I muttered "Thats for doubting" He said to me as he crosses his hand.

"I didn't need that info! Ughh.. Your torturing your sister" I said "She's already being tortured by the roaring whispers of me and the daily gossips" He makes a point.

"Well you torturing me" I said "Then stop hanging out with me" He points out "But I dont want tooooo..!" I whine as I lean on his shoulder "Fucking hell- And you say I'm clingy" He says "Well then we're both clingy~" I truce as I wrap my arms around him. "Oh my lord.." He groans. I chuckle as I pull away

"You're sweet yknow" I tell him proudly "Just said I'm gonna dedo you, and thats sweet? You have low standards" He says "No, not that! Like- Uhm- Sweet in a seductive way~!" I rephrase

"I don't know what you're saying. You're going crazy. You should to eat" He says as he grabs my hand that was holding the arepa and pulled it close to my mouth.

I munch on the arepa as he lets go. He snickers as He rested his head out the wall "See~ That's sweet" I say "I just did that cuz you're crazy. That's all" He exhales deeply.

"We're we load earlier" I suddenly questioned "Not much. Why?" He asked back "Camilo said he heard sounds in your room" I recall

"Its just ancestors mourning me by having prosperity in me" He jokes. I snicker as I finished eating the arepa "Proud ancestors" I joked too as I hear him chuckle..

"Wait I was noisy?" I suddenly asked and he jumps by surprise "Je- You're very sensitive " He points out "No Im not" I denied "You are. Look" He said nonchalantly as he leans out to me closer.

He kissed me and started snogging for whatever reasons, for a hot minute. He then quickly pulls away  "See~ Your eyebrows are furrowed" He reasoned.

"How the heck would you know that" I asked him suspiciously. I then feel a hand on my thigh. I see Carlos's hand gently caressing my thigh.

"Special trick" He replies as he smirks. I puff as I scratch my head



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