Chapter Thirteen.

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I shut our bedroom door with a bang behind my back and he turns to look at me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asks in his same cold voice. But I ain't gonna back off today.

I cross my arms across my chest and take a step towards him. He's standing near our bed, his mobile phone in his hand on which he was typing something before I decided to be this dramatic.

"I'm not going to get scared by this voice of yours today, Mr. Hayes so you better start speaking now," He looks taken aback at the sudden outburst but still manages to keep that calm, cold look on his face.

"What are you talking about?" He asks. 

"What was William talking about? He said that you were going to build a warehouse on that land, why do you need a warehouse?" I ask him all the questions that I wanted to ask. But, instead of answering me he just looks at me with his expressionless face.

"Answer me! I need to know that," I shout the first part then gain some control over myself because if I lose too much control he might kill me. He walks to the dressing table, opens a drawer, takes a card out, and closes it.

"I'm not giving you any answers, stop wasting my time and get the dinner ready." He switches on his mobile phone and resumes typing on it while looking at the card. 

"I'm your wife, I have every right to know what you're doing, what you're going to do, and everything. Everything, Aiden." I can't believe I'm finally giving a voice to my thoughts. But this feels good.

He sighs and tosses his phone on the bed, then he turns to me. At this point, he's standing by the dressing table and I'm standing by the door.

"I never told you to act like a wife to me, and I told you not to expect anything from me then why do you keep forgetting that?" He asks, I can see that he's getting angry now. But I don't care. Not today.

"I'm sick of this, I never know where you're going, what you do on the nights when you're not home. I'm alone every day. And now that I've started working for you, I'm still alone because to you I'm just your secretary and nothing more. You shout at me and don't care for my feelings and I hate this!"

He opens his mouth to say something then closes it. He tucks his hands in his jeans' pockets and closes his eyes momentarily then opens them and looks at me.

"First off, I keep work and personal life separate. I told you not to expect any leniency from me on your first day and you agreed on that because that's only right. You're my secretary in the office and my wife outside, is that thing so hard to get into your little brain, Marilyn?" 

There it comes, he's getting really pissed off.

"That's the thing, I'm not your wife at home. I'm your maid, who does your work, who takes care of your needs. Do you think I'm a robot? I don't have any feelings? This is messing with my mind. I'm going crazy. I hate the fact that you don't care for me!" I'm shouting at this point but I don't care. "I got lost today, and I didn't have a mobile phone and I sat down and cried. I had no hope left because I knew you won't even notice that I'm gone. It's like I'm living alone with no one to love me, and it hurts. It freaking hurts!"

"Are you done?" He asks. I just voiced out all my feelings and that's all he says?

"What do you mean?" I ask him. I can feel the tears coming. Great, I'm going to cry now.

"Are you done? Can I go and work now?" He asks.

A tear escapes from my eye and lands on my cheek.

"You really don't care for me, right? You only care for your work."

He doesn't say anything on this. 

I wipe away the lonely tear on my cheek and look down at my feet. Then I look up at him again.

"Aiden, all I'm asking is for you to give me time. to give this all a chance. Can't you do that?" I ask him.

He still doesn't say anything. He rubs his eyes and looks away from me. 

Until now, everything seems okay. He didn't look at me with those eyes like he does when he's mad at me. Everything seems okay.

So I try once again.

"Treat me like your wife. I want you to give me a chance, give this marriage a chance."

He looks at me with those brilliant blue eyes of his. His eyes pierce through my soul and I wish I hadn't said anything.

I'm getting scared. 

He takes a step towards me and I step back only to find myself sandwiched between him and the wall. I look up at him and our eyes meet.

"You want me to give this marriage a chance?" He asks in a surprisingly soft tone.

I nod. Yes. I want this more than anything in this world.

He cages me between his strong arms and brings his face closer to mine.

"Are you sure you can handle it, Marilyn?" He asks, I close my eyes because I'm scared now. I don't know what he's goin-

My mind goes completely blank when I feel his lips on mine.

Oh my god.

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