Chapter Thirty-Five.

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I open my eyes to the second gunshot.

I'm trembling, maybe I'm crying too, I don't know.

I'm scared. I'm so scared. Aiden is not beside me. I don't know what's happening but I have to find out what's going on.

I get out of bed as quietly as I can, praying that Aiden is safe somewhere in this house. What if the bad people who shot at our bedroom window that night are here again?

Another gunshot.

I stop myself from losing my balance because it's dangerous. Dangerous for the baby.

I step out of the room casting careful glances back and forth. I reach the staircase somehow and that's when I see him.

My husband.

He's standing in the middle of the hallway, his back towards me. It's quite dark so I can't see well enough to make out what's going on downstairs. I decide to climb down the stairs and ask him, I'm pretty sure there was another attack or something and that's the main reason I haven't told him about my pregnancy.

He hears me climbing down the stairs, so he turns and looks up at me. I reach him finally and despite my crazy heart rate I decide to ask him what the hell that was all about.

I open my mouth to question him and that's when I see it.

That's when I feel it under my feet.

"A-aiden?" I look at him and find him looking at me.

There's light coming from the kitchen and that helps me see his face.

His eyes... his eyes hold something that I don't recognize, or I don't want to recognize.

"Go back to bed, Marilyn." He says. I start shaking my head. This is not happening. This can't be happening.

"Aiden what is this?" I ask him, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Go back to bed, Marilyn."

I take a step towards him and grab him by his shirt collars.

"What the fuck did you just do Aiden Hayes?" I ask him, keeping my voice as calm as possible. He's looking straight in m eyes and right now, at this moment, I feel like I never knew him. I never knew this man, I don't know the man with whom I live, eat and sleep.

"Go. Back. To. Bed. Marilyn." He's starting to get pissed off but he doesn't get to do that. Not right now. My eyes travel from his face to his hand, the hand which is holding that thing.

"You destroyed everything. Everything!" I shout, I'm crying now. I'm scared of the man standing in front of me. I scared.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Go back to the bedroom." With that, he pushes me out of his way, walks past me, and out the main door. Leaving me with it. Leaving me alone in this house with that thing.

I rush upstairs not caring that my feet might be leaving prints all over the stairs. I don't care. I need to wash. I need to clean myself.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't. I'm done. I'm leaving him. I'll leave him.

I'll raise my baby alone.

I- I don't know.

I somehow reach my bedroom and collapse on the floor. My legs are numb, it feels like my heart is going to stop beating any moment now. Everything is going to be over.

He proved my worst fears right.

It's over. Everything is over.

I don't know when I drift off to sleep while thinking, but when I wake up I find him sitting beside me. I get up swiftly and scoot away from him, last night's happenings come rushing back to my mind and a tear falls down my cheek.

"Aiden," I whisper.

"I promise, I didn't want to do that but-," He starts to say but I cut him off.

"But what? You... you killed a person, You killed someone. Right in this house." I still can't believe what I saw last night. I look at my feet to make sure there is no blood on them anymore. I close my eyes momentarily and suck in a shaky breath.

"Why did you do that?" I ask the question I've been wanting to ask him since last night.

He looks at me and then stands up. Now he's looking down at me, his eyes hold sadness. A weird kind of sadness.

"I can't tell you that. Not yet. Please, forget what you saw."

I stand up and face him, even though I'm a lot shorter than him.

"I can't. I won't forget it. Where did you even bury him? Or did you not even do that?" I ask him, but he doesn't say anything.

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. I want a divorce right now." I tell him, as calmly as I could. Knowing that it isn't possible to get divorced right this moment. My heart is completely shattered. All the dreams, all the hopes for the future.


He takes a deep breath and tries to take my hands in his but I don't let him do that.

"You know I can't let you go." He says.

"But I'm leaving you right this moment, I can't live with you anymore."

"You can't leave me, Marilyn." He seems very confident. And I don't like this.

"Watch me." With that, I turn and start walking towards the door.

"The second you step out of this house. It's really over. I won't ever divorce you, Marilyn and you'll have to live as my wife forever, even though we won't be together."

This makes me stop. He's trying to destroy me. He's never going to leave me. He's not going to let me have a life, but that's okay. I don't want any other man except for him but he has made it too difficult for me to stay with him.

My baby will have to grow up without a father, but we'll manage. We'll have each other. We'll live a peaceful life. Without Aiden.

I open the bedroom door and step out. I expect him to follow me but he doesn't. He said what he had to say.

I climb down the stairs and realize that I didn't bring my phone with me. But I don't want to go back upstairs and face him again. I keep walking towards the main door. I walk past the spot where that man laid last night, drenched in his own blood.

Upon reaching the main door, I turn to take a last look at the house. My face is wet with tears. But I'm not giving up. I have to be strong for my baby. I want to give him or her the best future ever. I'll work my ass off for it.

He's nowhere to be seen which means he's still in the room.

I turn and unlock the door,

And step outside.

It's over.

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