Chapter Twenty-Six.

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I don't know how we ended up here after that passionate makeout session but whatever he's doing with me, it feels like heaven. He presses his lips to my bare shoulder as his hands start working on my pajama bottoms.

He still hasn't taken a full look at me, and I'm getting nervous with each passing second. His kisses are heaven, his touch is heaven and it's forcing me to forget every worry and just be in this moment with him because this is finally happening.

He succeeds in taking my pajama bottoms off and pulls away from me momentarily. Our eyes meet the moment he pulls away, and I see everything in them. Hunger, affection, desire, lust. Everything. Except for one thing


His eyes wander all over my body as he starts taking his clothes off, I feel embarrassed right now but at the same time, I want this. I want him. Several seconds later he's back on top of me, devouring my lips like there's no tomorrow.

Needless to say, it was a long night for both of us.

The next morning I wake up beside him. He's so close to me that if I move a little I'll end up kissing him which won't be a problem anyway.

I lift my hand to caress his cheek, he looks so innocent right now. Last night he was wild and I loved it. I loved every second of it, he was so gentle with me. I think I fell in love with him all over again.

I trace my finger across his lower lip gently, is this a new start for us? Is this the end of the awkwardness for us? I hope so. We connected in the closest way possible last night and I want this to mean something to him. To us.

"Why are you awake already?" His lips move, causing me to draw my hand back swiftly but too late, he already knows what I was doing.

He opens his beautiful eyes and looks at me, I hope I'm not looking too bad. A small smile forms on his lips as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I- I just...," I fail to say anything due to the extreme closeness between us causing him to smile even brightly. This is such a beautiful sight, he has a beautiful smile, I hope he never loses it.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his breath fanning over my upper lip. I give him a little nod. I'm not completely okay, it hurts because last night was my first time but it's bearable.

His hand travels from my waist to my lower back, his fingers start caressing a spot and I close my eyes, enjoying his touch when a thought struck me.

I open my eyes and look at him, he's still looking at me and his eyes hold questions.

A lot of questions.

"How did it happen?" He asks. And I know, I know he saw that scar last night. He's caressing it right now as if he thinks it still hurts.

"I fell down the stairs when I was young an-," I start making up a story because I don't want to tell him that story just now and ruin everything.

"I want the truth, Marilyn." He says. I look into his eyes and there's something there that I can't explain.

It's as if he knows.

"He didn't do anything else to you that night did he?" He asks.

He knows.

My eyes widen and I sit up on the bed swiftly. He follows suit and takes my hands in his as if he's scared that I might run away.

"How?" I manage to utter this before my eyes fill up with tears. How does he know that? How long has he known this for?

He leaves my hands and pulls me close to him again until my head is resting on his chest, his hand goes back to caressing my scar as he tries to calm me down.

"I got to know about this the day you both met again. I knew something was off between you guys so I-,"

"So you did your research?" I ask him because I know he did. How can I forget that I married Aiden Hayes? he can get information on anything or anyone in a matter of a few hours.

A tear escapes my eyes but I don't wipe it off. What will he do now? If he knew about that night all along how has he been so chill around Ethan, is that because his work is more important than me. That's probably it.

"How much do you know?" I pull away from him and ask. I have to know what he knows, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the whole thing.

"Tell me everything that happened." He says and takes my hands in his again, this tells me that he's not angry at me for hiding this all from him.

"As... as you already know that something happened that night." I start, my heart's beating so fast right now that I think I might die soon.

He doesn't say anything. I look down at his hands and then back at him.

"We became friends in the first year of college, I always thought of him as a friend. But he... he liked me and I didn't know about that." Here comes the terrible part which I've avoided talking about for years but now it's time that I tell my husband everything.

"I've never dated since middle school, and even the boy I went out with wasn't anything like a boyfriend, I never had my first kiss or my first time until I got married to you," I don't know why I'm telling him this but I thought I should or maybe he knew that too. I don't know.

He nods urging me to go on.

"So Brooke set me up with a guy in the last year of college, I agreed on going on a date with him because it was time that I started dating. Ethan got to know about that, and he... he tried to stop me from going and kept telling me that I should be careful and I can date later on in life but I ignored everything he said," I take a deep breath, time to let it all out.

"That night, I was in my room... I used to live in a sorority house. Brooke had gone out with some guy and the house was almost empty as it was a Friday night. I was getting ready for my date when Ethan sneaked into my room through the window. I thought he'd come here to wish me luck or something but he wasn't there for that. He tried one last time to stop me and when I kept on ignoring him he... he tried to force me." Fresh tears start forming in my eyes as I tighten my grip on Aiden's hands.

"He... pushed me on the bed and started trying to take my shirt off. I resisted, of course, and nearly escaped him but he pulled out a pocketknife, telling me to stay still or he'd... he'd kill me." Tears start escaping my eyes and Aiden leaves my hands. He cups my face and gently starts to wipe my tears away but the tears just won't stop coming.

"H-he... when I tried one last time to push him away from me and run, he caught me and somehow h-he..." I close my eyes and try to compose myself but I can't. I just can't.

"He ended up stabbing you and left you to bleed to death, didn't he?" He asks. I nod. Yes, he did. He got so scared after that, that he left me on the bed bleeding like crazy. If one of my sorority sisters hadn't heard the noise in my room and come to see what was going on, I would've died.

The police took my statement when I regained consciousness but I never told them that it was Ethan who did that to me because I was scared he might do it again, I told them I didn't remember anything and gradually everyone forgot about it. I never spoke to Ethan again and thought that he was out of my life, but I was wrong.

He wipes my tears away and makes me look at him.

"I know everything now, and I'll make him pay I promise. I can't right now, but one day I will." He tells me, I don't ask him why he can't do anything right now and I don't want him to do anything because I don't want any trouble but I just nod because It's getting hard to compose myself, that night still scares me. Maybe I'll never be able to get out of that trauma.

"W-what are you going to do?" I finally ask him because I have to know what he has in his mind.

"I'm going to kill him with my own hands."

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