Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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He's joking, right?

"A-aiden." I leave his hands and stare at him, I'm getting scared now. And this reminds me of what I heard last night. Oh no.

"Don't worry, you trust me right?" He asks. I nod immediately because I do. He smiles at this and starts to get out of bed, he puts on his trousers and stands up. I lie back down on the bed because I'm still tired. I'm physically and mentally tired. I hope he doesn't mean what he just said but then again I have so many questions about what I heard last night.

I watch him as he steps inside the washroom and then close my eyes. Whatever he's doing and whatever he's saying, I want to believe that he's a harmless businessman who has never laid his hands on anyone. I need to talk to Brooke, I'm a hundred percent sure he slept with me last night because he wanted to change the topic which hurts a little but I saw the sincerity in his eyes too which makes it a little better.

I need to talk to Brooke or my mind will burst into tiny little gross pieces.

That's it, I need to talk to her before anything else.


"I freaking told you that there's something sus about that man but you never listened to me!" I place my mobile phone on the countertop and take a deep breath. The phone is not even on speaker and still, Brooke's voice is filling the kitchen.

"Brooke, will you stop shouting and just tell me what I should do now?" I ask her, placing the phone back to my ear. Aiden went to his study after breakfast because he wanted to check on something, it's already been half an hour so I know he'll not be coming downstairs anytime soon.

"I have no idea, Lyn. Ask him about it, I'm sure he's not going to kill you." 

"Yeah sure, that'll help. I did ask him last night subtly but ended up in bed with him." I hear Brooke gasp on the other end.

"Wait, what?" She asks. I close my eyes momentarily.

"Well, yeah. It happened." I tell her.

"You bitch! And you're telling me now. How was it? I want details." 

"Brooke, I swear I'll tell you everything but first you have to help me, I'm genuinely scared." 

"But you slept with him, why would you do that if you were scared of him?" She asks. 

"That's a good point but that was different." 

"Listen, just wait until he's a little more comfortable with you and then ask him gently. Maybe ask him while having sex, he'll definitely tell the truth." I roll my eyes at this.

"I'm not sure if we'll be sleeping together again any time soon." 

"Oh come on, he's going to have trouble keeping his hands to himself now. I know men better than you do."

This causes my heart to do a little somersault in my chest, I mean that's what I always wanted. It wouldn't be so bad asking him about it during another session or maybe that'll be a bad idea. I don't know.

"Well, okay. I'll talk to you later then." I tell her.

"I'll be waiting for the deets." She says and we hang up.

Turns out, Brooke was right about one thing. Aiden wouldn't leave me alone all day after he came downstairs, he wanted me right next to him and my lips are so chapped because of all the makeout sessions we had all day. Right now his hands are all over me and he's not letting me watch T.V. It's not like I'm not enjoying this but his words from last night are still bugging me and I know I'll keep having this unsettling feeling until I get to know the whole truth.

"Turn it off." He whispers in my ear as his lips make their way to my shoulder. It's eight in the evening, we had our dinner early and sat down to watch T.V, but in a matter of seconds I was pulled onto his lap and since then his hands and lips are all over me. I want him, I really do. But I'm scared. Scared of something I don't even know.

"What?" I ask him, trying to focus on the movie but I can't he's making it too difficult.

"The television." He says. I shake my head.

"But I'm watching a movie," I tell him. He groans and pulls away from me.

"Isn't it too late to play hard to get?" He demands, I turn my head and look at him.

"Well, maybe. But why not try it?" I ask. He doesn't answer, instead, he captures my lips with his and starts kissing me like this is the last time he'll get to do that. That's it. God, that's it.

I have to say, the couch is just as comfortable as our bed was.

The next morning, I woke up with a stiff back. We ended up sleeping on the couch but he's nowhere to be found right now.

"Good, you're up. Get ready it's already six-thirty." He enters the living room with a glass of orange juice in his hand and places it in front of me. I look up at him and he smiles.

"You're smiling more often now, Let's keep it that way," I tell him, he leans down and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

I grab him by his shirt's collar to prevent him from standing up straight. He looks at me confused.

"Can't I take a leave for today?" I ask him, not meaning a word because I know I wouldn't be able to stay away from him. 

"And why is that?" He asks me. I shrug.

"To get some rest, you've been keeping me up for two nights in a row." I pout because even though I'm loving this change I'm still tired and sleep always comes first.

He stands up straight making me stand up from the couch too.

"Then I'll give you a rest for tonight. But we have to go to work, my schedule is packed for today and I'll be needing you." He tells me. I leave his collar and wrap my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest.

"Okay, Mr. Hayes."

"Good girl." I hear him say, as he wraps his strong arms around me. I think I can finally say that I've found my home.

My safe place.

And I don't think he'll ever harm me, I just know that he won't.

But still, I have to know what he's hiding. And I'll make sure that he tells me everything himself.

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